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Enable Data Collection for LWC-connected Devices

Juniper license automation supports devices that are connected to the Juniper Cloud through the Juniper Lightweight Collector (LWC). To enable this capability, you need to link your LWC account to your organization in JSI.


To enable connectivity with JSI, the LWC device must have LWC software version 3.0 or later installed.

To view operational insights for LWC-connected devices in JSI:

  1. Navigate to Organization > Settings to open the Organization Settings page.
    Locate the Configure LWC Accounts tile.
  2. Click Add LWC Account.
    The Add LWC Account pop-up appears.
  3. Enter the LWC Account ID.
    Note: An LWC account can be associated with only one organization at a time.
  4. Click OK.
    The LWC account is successfully integrated with your organization and is listed in the LWC Accounts tile.
    You can now monitor operational insights collected from LWC-connected devices associated with the account.

    To remove the LWC account, click the Delete (trash bin) icon.