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Configure Network Settings through JSI Shell

This section provides information on the JSI Shell.

JSI Shell Overview

The JSI Shell is an SSH menu system for the vLWC. It allows you to view the current network settings and network status through an SSH login. You can use the JSI Shell as an alternate option to configure network settings. You can interact with the JSI Shell menu system through the keyboard. See Table 1.

Table 1: Keyboard Navigation
Key Action
Up and Down arrow keys, or number press Navigate to an option.
Enter key Select the option.
Esc key Go back to the previous menu or exit the shell depending on what menu you are currently in.

Login to JSI Shell

You can access the JSI Shell using one of the following ways:

  • SSH to the configured IP address of the management (cap) interface.

  • Through the VMWare console, if networking has not been setup successfully on the management (cap) interface.

    To login to the console, click ggc-lnx VM under the vLWC vApp and click either Launch Web Console or Launch Remote Console in the Summary tab to open the login prompt for the vLWC.

    Use jsiuser and the default password to log into the JSI Shell.


    To obtain the default password to log into the Web console, see KB77944.

    Change the default login password and set a new password after you log in to the Web console. See Change JSI Shell Login Password.

On successful login, the vLWC Main Menu (JSI Shell) screen appears. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: vLWC Main Menu (JSI Shell) vLWC Main Menu (JSI Shell)

Change JSI Shell Login Password

You can change the login password for jsiuser from the JSI Shell Main Menu screen. To change the password, select Change password for jsiuser from the vLWC Main Menu screen (using the arrow key or pressing 6 on the keyboard), press Enter, and follow the prompts to specify the new password.

Configure Network Settings

You can configure the following network settings from the JSI Shell:

  • Interfaces—Internal (int), External (ext), Management (cap)


    While configuring the internal, external, and management interfaces, you must ensure that the subnet of the IP address assigned to the internal network port, external network port, and captive portal are different from each other.


    You must connect to the captive portal from a local IP address. Connection to the captive portal from the browser will fail if the connection request originates from a non-local network.

  • Active proxy

Follow the steps below to configure the network settings:

  1. Login to the vLWC Main Menu (JSI Shell). See Login to JSI Shell.
  2. Select Edit Network Settings (using the arrow key or pressing 3 on the keyboard) from the vLWC Main Menu screen.
    The vLWC Edit Network Settings Menu screen appears. See Figure 2.
    Figure 2: vLWC Edit Network Settings Menu vLWC Edit Network Settings Menu
  3. To change the various interface settings:
    1. Select the interface you want to edit (options one to three) from the vLWC Edit Network Settings Menu screen.
    2. Select the appropriate options from the series of menus presented after which a vLWC Edit interface Settings Menu screen appears for the interface you selected.
      The upper half of the display lists the current network settings.

      The following image provides an example of the vLWC Edit interface Settings Menu screen for a cap interface with IPv4 address:

      Figure 3: vLWC Edit Menu (JSI Shell) vLWC Edit Menu (JSI Shell)
    3. Use the options displayed in the bottom half of the display to modify the network settings. You can select an appropriate option and configure the new value when the prompt appears.
      The updated values will appear in the upper half of the display.
    4. Once you have made all the changes, select Apply pending changes and return to network settings to apply your changes.

      You can exit the settings from one interface and work on another interface without losing your changes. You can then apply all changes at the same time.

  4. To change the active proxy settings:
    1. Select Change active proxy (using the arrow key or pressing 4 on the keyboard) from the vLWC Edit Network Settings Menu screen.
      The vLWC Edit Active Proxy Settings Menu screen appears. The upper half of the display lists the current active proxy settings. See Figure 4.
      Figure 4: vLWC Edit Active Proxy Settings Menu vLWC Edit Active Proxy Settings Menu
    2. You can enable or disable the active proxy (option 1), or configure the active proxy settings from the vLWC Edit Active Proxy Settings Menu screen.

    The vLWC's external interface must be able to reach the URL, or IP address and port used for the active proxy.


    If you choose to use an active proxy, ensure that it forwards all the traffic from the vLWC to the AWS cloud proxy (see Outbound Connectivity Requirements for information on the AWS cloud proxy URL and ports). Juniper cloud services blocks all the inbound traffic coming through any path other than the AWS cloud proxy.


After applying changes, if the network does not work as intended, reboot the vLWC.