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Event Types Displayed in Marvis Actions

Marvis Actions in Juniper Apstra Cloud Services displays data center events received from an Apstra-managed data center.


Though the intent-based analytics in Juniper Apstra supports several predefined probes, Marvis Actions in Juniper Apstra Cloud Services supports only a limited set of probes. Table 1 lists the predefined probes that Marvis Actions supports.

Marvis Actions doesn't display all the events that occur in the network. It displays only those events that are actionable. There could be events that might need additional troubleshooting to resolve the issue.

Table 1: Events displayed in Marvis Actions Dashboard

Event Type


Layer 1 & 2

  • Incorrect Cabling

  • Bad Optics

  • Interface Flapping

  • Link Status Mismatch

  • Packet Discard


  • Missing Routes

  • BGP Mismatch

  • LAG Imbalance

  • MLAG Imbalance

  • BGP Flapping

  • EVPN Host Flapping

  • Type-3 Missing Routes

  • Type-5 Missing Routes

  • VXLAN Flow Lists Mismatch

  • Config Deviation

  • Deployment Status Mismatch

  • Resource Health Issues

  • Environment Health Issues

Virtual Infra
  • Config Mismatch

  • Missing VLANs

  • MTU Issues

  • Non-Redundant Hosts

Security 802.1x Issues
Traffic Capacity
  • Spine Faults

  • Critical Services Alerts

  • Hot/Cold Interface Warning