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request paragon ssh



Use the SSH program to open a connection between the local node and a remote node and execute commands on the remote node.


commands-to-execute commands

Enter commands to be executed. Include one or more CLI commands by enclosing them in quotation marks and separating the commands with semicolons. For example, 'cli-command1 ; cli-command2'.

Examples of commands that can be executed include, df -h, ls, echo, cp, kubectl get configmaps -n namespace, kubectl get pods -A, and so on.
hostname node_hostname Hostname or address of the remote node.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request paragon ssh hostname node-hostname commands-to-execute commands

Release Information

Command introduced in Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.