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request paragon troubleshooting information



Generate a log file of various Paragon Automation services. You can share this file with the Juniper Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) for further evaluation.

When you run the request paragon troubleshooting information command, the following commands are executed.

Table 1: request paragon troubleshooting information Commands



request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service tsdb-shim

Generate a log file of the tsdb-shim service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service tand

Generate a log file of the tand service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service jtimon

Generate a log file of the jtimon service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service config-server container config-server

Generate a log file of the config-server service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service api-server

Generate a log file of the api-server service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service analytical-engine

Generate a log file of the analytical-engine service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace healthbot service alerta

Generate a log file of the alerta service within the healthbot namespace.

request paragon debug postgres database postgres username healthbot measurement db_counters output file

Generate a text file (JSON format) with Postgres information.

request paragon debug logs namespace foghorn service order-management

Generate a log file of the order-management service within the foghorn namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace foghorn service placement

Generate a log file of the placement service within the foghorn namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace foghorn service cmgd

Generate a log file of the cmgd service within the foghorn namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace airflow service workflow-manager

Generate a log file of the workflow-manager service within the airflow namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace northstar service toposerver

Generate a log file of the toposerver service within the northstar namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace northstar service configmonitor

Generate a log file of the configmonitor service within the northstar namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace northstar service web

Generate a log file of the web service within the northstar namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace northstar service api-aggregator

Generate a log file of the api-aggregator service within the northstar namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace papi service oc-term

Generate a log file of the oc-term service within the papi namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace papi service papi

Generate a log file of the papi service within the papi namespace.

request paragon debug logs namespace papi service papi-ws

Generate a log file of the papi-ws service within the papi namespace.

A troubleshooting_date_time.tar.gz file for the various Paragon Automation services is also created. This .tar.gz file is saved in the /root/troubleshooting/ directory.



Generate log files for all Paragon Automation services.

service name

Generate log file for a service.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you run this command, a log file is generated. You can use the log file to troubleshoot issues with your Paragon Automation cluster.

Sample Output

request paragon troubleshooting information

Release Information

Command introduced in Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.