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Offboard a Network Implementation Plan

You must be a user with the Network Admin or Super User role to offboard a device.

Use the offboard option when you want to delete a network implementation plan and stop Paragon Automation from managing devices assigned to the plan. When you offboard a network implementation plan:

  1. The configurations applied on the device through the plan are deleted.

  2. The plan is deleted from the database and is no longer listed on the Network Implementation Plan page.

  • The outbound SSH command committed on the device is not deleted when you offboard a network implementation plan. To delete the outbound SSH configuration, you must release the device. See Release a Device.

    You can also offboard a device by deleting the device (on the Devices tab) from the network implementation plan.

  • You cannot offboard a plan when the plan is being used to onboard a device.

To offboard a network implementation plan:

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Device Onboarding > Network Implementation Plan.

    The Network Implementation Plan page appears.

  2. Select one or more plans that you want to delete or offboard.
  3. Click More > Offboarding.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  4. (Optional) Clear the following check boxes:
    • Also delete the profiles and labels associated with the plan.

      This option is selected by default and deletes the profiles and labels associated with the network implementation plan. Clear the check box to avoid deleting the profiles and labels associated with the plan.

    • Ignore unreachable devices.

      This option is selected by default and ignores devices included in the plan that are unreachable during offboarding. If you clear this option and if the devices in the plan are unreachable during offboarding, the plan offboarding fails.

  5. Click Yes.
    The offboard process is initiated. After the offboarding is complete, the offboarded plans are no longer listed on the Network Implementation Plan page.
  6. (Optional) Delete the devices that were included in the offboarded plan from the Inventory page (Inventory > Devices > Network Inventory). See Release a Device. Releasing a device deletes the outbound SSH configuration from the device and the device is not connected with Paragon Automation.

    After you release a device, the device is no longer listed on the Inventory page.