show configuration paragon cluster common-services (o)
show configuration paragon cluster common-services
show configuration paragon cluster common-services ingress (none|ingress-hostname|ingress-vip|ingress-vip-ipv6|user-certificate)
show configuration paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate use-user-certificate (none|true|false)
show configuration paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate user-certificate-filename
show configuration paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate user-certificate-key-filename
Show all common ingress configuration information.
(none | ingress) |
Show all common ingress configuration information. |
ingress ingress-hostname |
Show the hostname for the ingress VIP address. |
ingress ingress-vip |
Show the common ingress IPv4 VIP address. |
ingress ingress-vip-ipv6 |
Show the common ingress IPv6 VIP address. |
ingress user-certificate |
Show custom user certificates configuration. |
ingress user-certificate use-user-certificate (none | true | false) |
Show custom user certificates configuration. |
ingress user-certificate user-certificate-filename |
Show the custom user certificate filename. |
ingress user-certificate-key-filename |
Show the custom user certificate key filename. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided with information about your Paragon Automation cluster.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.
option introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation
Release 2.2.0.