show paragon cluster common-services ingress (c)
show paragon cluster common-services
show paragon cluster common-services ingress (none|ingress-hostname|ingress-vip|ingress-vip-ipv6|user-certificate)
show paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate use-user-certificate (none|true|false)
show paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate user-certificate-filename
show paragon cluster common-services ingress user-certificate user-certificate-key-filename
Hierarchy Level
Show all common ingress configuration information.
(none | ingress) |
Show all common ingress configuration information. |
ingress ingress-hostname |
Show the hostname for the ingress VIP address. |
ingress ingress-vip |
Show the common ingress IPv4 VIP address. |
ingress ingress-vip-ipv6 |
Show the common ingress IPv6 VIP address. |
ingress user-certificate |
Show custom user certificates configuration. |
ingress user-certificate use-user-certificate (none | true | false) |
Show custom user certificates configuration. |
ingress user-certificate user-certificate-filename |
Show the custom user certificate filename. |
ingress user-certificate-key-filename |
Show the custom user certificate key filename. |
Required Privilege Level
Release Information
Statement introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation Release 2.0.0.
option introduced in Juniper Paragon Automation
Release 2.2.0.