the Junos Space Network Management Platform UI, you can generate JBoss
thread dumps for Junos Space nodes that are part of the Junos Space
fabric. The thread dump can be generated for
nodes that have the JBoss server running and are in the UP state,
and also have the App Logic in the UP state.
Note: You cannot generate the JBoss thread dump for dedicated
database nodes and dedicated Cassandra nodes.
The generated JBoss thread dump helps you troubleshoot problems
with the JBoss server on that particular node.
You can generate JBoss thread dumps for one or more JBoss nodes
from the Fabric page of the Administration workspace. You must be
assigned the System Administrator role to be able to generate the
JBoss thread dump for a node.
To generate the JBoss thread dump:
- On the Junos Space Platform UI, select Administration > Fabric.
The Fabric page appears, displaying all the nodes in the Junos
Space fabric.
- Right-click the JBoss node or nodes for which you want
to generate the JBoss thread dump and select Generate Thread
Dump. Alternatively, select the check boxes next to the node
names and select Generate Thread Dump from the Actions
The JBoss Thread Dump dialog box appears.
- Perform one of the following actions on the basis of whether
you want to save the JBoss thread dump on the Junos Space node or
on a remote server.
Select Local in the Mode field to save the
JBoss thread dump on the Junos Space node.
The JBoss thread dump is stored in the /var/cache/jboss/thread_dumps/ directory on the Junos Space node.
Select Remote in the Mode field to save the
JBoss thread dump on a remote server.
All the remaining fields in the JBoss Thread Dump dialog box
are enabled.
To specify the remote server where you want the JBoss
thread dump to be saved:
In the IP Address field, enter the IP address
of the remote server.
The IP address can be either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.
In the Port field, enter the port number.
The default port number is 22.
In the Directory field, enter the directory
on the remote server where you want to save the JBoss thread dump.
Note: Before you specify a directory in the Directory field, you must ensure that it exists on the remote server. If the
specified directory does not exist on the remote server, the job fails,
displaying a message that the directory is invalid.
In the User Name field, enter the username.
In the Password field, enter the password.
In the Confirm Password field, reenter the
(Optional) In the Fingerprint field, enter
the fingerprint of the remote server.
- Click Generate to generate the JBoss thread
The Generate Thread Dump Information dialog box appears, displaying
the job ID link. Click the job ID to view the job on the Job Management
If you saved the JBoss thread dump to the Junos Space node,
you can download it to your computer from the View Job Details page
that appears when you double-click the job on the Job Management page.
The thread dump is saved as a compressed zip file with the filename
format threadDump_timestamp, where timestamp represents the date and time
when the thread dump is generated.
An audit log entry is added when you generate the JBoss thread
dump for a Junos Space node.