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Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 21.1R1

In Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 21.1R1, CentOS 7.4 is used as the underlying OS. As a direct upgrade of the OS from CentOS 6.8 (used in Junos Space Platform releases before 20.3R1) to CentOS 7.4 is not supported, a direct upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 by using the Junos Space Platform UI is also not supported. You must follow a multi-step procedure to upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1.

Upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 involves backing up data from the nodes in the Junos Space Platform setup, installing Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 on the nodes, and restoring backed up data to the nodes. After Junos Space Platform is upgraded, you can upgrade previously installed Junos Space applications.

You can upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 only from Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1. To upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 from releases earlier than Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1, you must first upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 and then follow the procedures specified in this topic.


For more information about upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1, see the Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 20.3R1 Release Notes.

To upgrade from Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, complete the tasks in the sequence below. The Appendix provides sample data of time taken for backing up and restoring data while upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1.

Before You Begin

In Junos Space Network Management release 20.3R1 and before, the Junos Space database(DB) backup restore with Unicast mode of communication is restored in the setup which is visible in domain.xml file.

Since Junos Space Network Management 21.1R1 release includes CentOs upgrade, the DB backup from Junos Space Network Management release 20.3R1 with Unicast mode of communication is not restored. You need to reconfigure the data in Junos Space Network Management 21.1R1 release.


This particular upgrade procedure is complex and requires switching between the Junos Space Platform GUI and the Junos Space Platform command line. In case of problems, access to the physical appliance or the hypervisor that hosts the Junos Space virtual machine may be needed. If you are not comfortable running Linux commands at the command line, or you do not have access to the physical or virtual platform, the GUI, or the command line, please arrange for that access through the appropriate internal channels, and have the needed pe the Data Back Up the Data Back Uprsonnel available during the entire process.

Table 1 shows various physical and network elements that are needed in order to perform this upgrade procedure.

Table 1: Items needed for upgrade




Access to the Junos Space Platform GUI using the super user’s credentials

To establish and confirm proper configuration, device connection, database state, and backup prior to upgrade

Access to the Junos Space Platform command line using the admin user’s credentials over SSH (TCP port 22)

To run various scripts and Linux commands during the upgrade

Once authenticated over ssh, select the “(Debug) run shell” option from the menu. On a physical appliance, (Debug) is option 6. On a virtual appliance, (Debug) is option 7.

Access to a network secure copy protocol (SCP) server

To store the following files that are created as part of the backup that is created during this upgrade:

  • backupStatus.log

  • md5.txt

  • space-backup.tgz

  • space-readme.txt

SCP connections default to TCP port 22.

Ports other than TCP port 22 can be used for SCP, but the server must already be set to accept the connection on the non-default port.

Not needed if the USB storage device option is used.

A USB storage device with at least 8GB of free space

To store the following files that are created as part of the backup that is created during this upgrade:

  • backupStatus.log

  • md5.txt

  • space-backup.tgz

  • space-readme.txt

Not needed if the SCP option is used.

Physical access to the Junos Space Platform appliance

To plug in the USB storage device

Not needed if the SCP option is used.

Access to the hypervisor that hosts the Junos Space Platform VM

To deploy the 21.1R1 ova file

Disabling Device Communication

Before taking backup from the Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 20.3R1, disable device communication to ensure that the discovered devices stop communicating with the Junos Space Server.

To disable device communication:

  1. Select Administration > Applications.
  2. Click Network Management Platform and select Modify Application Settings from the Actions menu.

    You can also right click on Network Management Platform and select Modify Application Settings. The Modify Application Settings (Modify Network Management Platform Settings) page is displayed and the Device section is selected by default.

  3. Uncheck the Allow Device Communication option.
  4. Select Modify to modify the settings.

    The discovered devices in Junos Space Network Management Platform stops communicating with the Junos Space Server.

Downloading and Installing the Junos Space Platform 20.3R1 Patch

Before you begin upgrading Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, download and install the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 patch from the link Junos Space 20.3R1 Backup Patch for Upgrade to 21.1R1 on the Junos Space Network Management Platform – Download Software page for Version 21.1R1.

To download and install the patch:

  1. Download the 20.3R1 patch to your local computer from the Junos Space 20.3R1 Backup Patch for Upgrade to 21.1R1 link at the following location:
  2. Log in to the Junos Space active VIP node as the admin user using SSH.
  3. Transfer the patch to the Junos Space node by using Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).

    For example, to pull the file from the SCP server to a temporary location, such as /tmp/patch on the Junos Space node, the commands would be:

    Create the temporary storage location on the Junos Space node:

    Pull the file from the SCP server located at IP address

  4. Navigate to the location on the Junos Space node where you stored the patch.
  5. (Optional) To verify the checksum for the downloaded file, type the following command:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node /tmp/patch]# md5sum 20.3R1-SpaceUpgradeBackup.tgz

    The md5 hash value is displayed on the screen. Compare this value with the md5sum value available at the download site by clicking the MD5 SHA1 link.

  6. Extract the patch by using the following command:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node /tmp/patch]# tar -xzvf 20.3R1-SpaceUpgradeBackup.tgz

    Extracting the patch creates a directory named 20.3R1-SpaceUpgradeBackup and puts the individual files in it, including the patch script,

  7. Change directory into the new directory:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node /tmp/patch]# cd 20.3R1-SpaceUpgradeBackup

  8. Type the following command to install the patch:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node /tmp/patch/20.3R1-SpaceUpgradeBackup]# sh

    If the patch is successful, the message “Hot Patch installed Successfully” will be displayed. Otherwise, errors will be displayed.

Executing the Data Back Up Procedure

To back up Junos Space Platform and Junos Space Application data from the Junos Space nodes, execute the backup script, that is provided by the 20.3R1 patch that you installed. The script is stored in the directory /var/cache/space-backup-restore.

The backup script backs up the required configuration files, data files, and the database dump files of the MySQL databases from the Junos Space nodes. Data files of the installed Junos Space Applications are also backed up. The backup script generates a compressed tar file containing the backed up data. The following files are copied to a remote server or USB:

  • space-backup.tgz

  • space-readme.txt

  • md5.txt

  • backupStatus.log


In order for the upgrade process to succeed, the backup script must run to completion without errors. Read all warnings and notices generated by the backup script carefully and respond appropriately. Seek assistance for any message that is unclear to you before taking any action in response.

  • Backup script will not take backup for OpenNMS, PostgreSQL Data Base content, as the restoration is not supported in Junos Space Network Management Platform 21.1R1 and are disabled by default. Take a regular backup of these contents from the Junos Space Network Management Platform User Interface in case you need it before executing the backup script.

  • The device image files and Database Backup files will not be backed up from file system as part of the database backup operation.

  • Connectivity Services Director (CSD) application is not supported from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 21.1R1. Incase CSD application is installed in Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 20.3R1, the database backup operation will terminated, asking the user to uninstall the CSD application from the Junos Space Network Management Platform GUI.

To run the backup script:

  1. If you have not done so, log in to the Junos Space active virtual IP (VIP) node as the admin user and select “(Debug) run shell” from the menu.
  2. Type the following command to navigate to the /var/cache/space-backup-restore directory:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node ~]# cd /var/cache/space-backup-restore

  3. Type the following command to run the backup script:

    [root@space-20.3R1-node /var/cache/space-backup-restore]# sh

    You are prompted to specify whether you want to clear system-related jobs from the Junos Space database.

  4. Perform one of the following actions based on whether you want to clear system-related jobs or not:

    Throughout the running of the script, the responses that you type in the Space Platform command line may not be echoed to the screen. So, when you type ’Y’ or ’N’, you may not see it displayed.

    • Type Y to clear system-related jobs.

    • Type N if you do not want to clear system-related jobs.

      If you choose not to clear system-related jobs, the jobs are not purged and are backed up by the backup script.

    You are prompted to specify whether you want to stop the services running on the node.

  5. Perform one of the following actions based on whether you want to continue backing up Junos Space data:
    • Type N to continue running the services on the node and exit the backup process.


      If you exit the backup process, the backup file required for restoring data on the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 setup is not generated.

    • Type Y to stop services running on the node and to continue the backup procedure.


      The minimum disk space required to store the generated backup file is 672 GB.

      You are prompted to select the location to store the generated backup files.

  6. Select one of the following options depending on where you want to store the backup files:
    • To store the files on a USB storage device:


      Before you back up to the USB storage device, you must ensure that the USB device is plugged in. The backup script will mount the device to the path /tmp/pendrive.

      1. Type 1 and press Enter.

        You are prompted to specify whether you want to continue.

      2. Type Y to continue. Table 1 These files are copied to the USB storage device.

        If successful, a message indicating that the files are successfully copied is displayed. Any errors and their results are also displayed.

      3. After successful copy we suggest that you validate the backup file. See Validating the Backup File. If validation is successful, you can unmount the USB storage device by typing the following command:

        [root@space-20.3R1-node /var/cache/space-backup-restore]# umount /tmp/pendrive. After this, you can unplug the USB device. However, if you are upgrading on the same appliance, we recommend leaving the USB storage device mounted and plugged in so that it is available later for the restore process.

    • To store the file on a remote SCP server:

      1. Type 2 and press Enter.

        You are prompted to specify whether you want to continue.

        Type Y to continue.

      2. You are prompted to enter the IP address of the remote SCP server.

        Type the IPv4 address of the remote SCP server.

      3. You are prompted to enter the port number of the remote SCP server.

        Type the port number of the remote SCP server and press Enter.


        The IP address and port must be reachable from the Junos Space Platform server. If the IP is not reachable, or the port is not open, the script will get stuck trying to test the connection. If this happens, only quitting the SSH session, logging in again, and killing the running script process will stop the script.

      4. You are prompted to enter the username to access the remote SCP server.

        Type the username and press Enter.

      5. You are prompted to enter the password of the user.

        Type the password and press Enter.

      6. You are prompted to enter the full path of the directory on the remote SCP server where you want to store the backup files.

        Type the full path of the directory and press Enter.

        For example, /home/user/space_backup/


        Ensure that there is no space character in the specified directory path. Also, ensure that the specified directory already exists on the remote SCP server. If the directory does not exist, you are prompted to enter a valid directory.

Validating the Backup File

After executing the data backup procedure, we recommend that you validate the checksum for the backup file to ensure that the data from the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup is copied to the selected backup location. This ensures that data from the Junos Space nodes is not lost and can be restored on the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 setup when you upgrade.

To validate the backup file, complete one of the following procedures:

  • To validate the backup file stored on a remote SCP server:

    1. Log in to the remote SCP server.

    2. Navigate to the directory where the backup file is stored.

    3. Type the following command and press Enter to generate the MD5 value for the backup file:

      [user@scp-server]> md5sum space-backup.tgz


      On some systems, there is no md5sum command. On these systems, the md5 <file name> command should print the md5 hash value.

    4. Compare the calculated MD5 value with the value in the md5.txt file stored at the same location as the backup file. You can see the value stored in md5.txt using the following command:

      [user@scp-server]> cat md5.txt

      If the MD5 values are the same, the backup file is copied successfully to the backup location. If the MD5 values do not match, repeat the back up procedure detailed in Executing the Data Back Up Procedure.

    5. You can verify the integrity of the backup tar file to ensure that errors did not result in a corrupt backup file. To do this, type the following command and press Enter to verify the files in the backup tar file:

      [user@scp-server]> tar -tf space-backup.tgz

      The list of files contained in the tar file are displayed. If there are errors in the tar file, the error is displayed and the file listing stops.

  • To validate the backup file stored on a USB storage device:


    Ensure that the USB storage device is plugged-in to the Junos Space Appliance and mounted to the path /tmp/pendrive.

    1. Type the following command and press Enter to generate the MD5 value for the backup file:

      [root@space-20.3R1-node ~]# md5sum /tmp/pendrive/space-backup.tgz

    2. Compare the calculated MD5 value with the value in the md5.txt file stored at the same location as the backup file. You can see the value stored in md5.txt using the following command:

      [root@space-20.3R1-node]# cat md5.txt]

      If the MD5 values are the same, the backup file is copied successfully to the backup location. If the MD5 values do not match, repeat the back up procedure detailed in Executing the Data Back Up Procedure.

    3. Type the following command and press Enter to verify the files in the backup tar file:

      [root@space-20.3R1-node]# tar -tf /tmp/pendrive/space-20.3R1.4.tgz

      The list of files contained in the tar file are displayed. If there are errors in the tar file, the error is displayed and the file listing stops.

Installing Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 as a Standalone Node or the First Node of the Fabric and Restoring the Backed-Up Data

After you run the backup script and back up data from the Junos Space nodes, install the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 software image, using the following procedure:

  • If you are upgrading a standalone node, back up all data on the node to a remote server before you install the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 software image. You cannot retrieve previously saved data after the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 software image is installed.

  • When you configure the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 node, ensure that you use the same network configuration (network interfaces and IP adresses) as the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 node. If you configure different network settings, device connectivity and SNMP traps are affected.

  1. Power off all the nodes of the fabric.

    If you are upgrading a Junos Space Platform fabric with only Junos Space Virtual Appliances, ensure that you do not delete the powered off virtual appliances. If data restore on the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 node fails, you can roll back to the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup by powering off the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 node and powering on the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 nodes.

  2. Complete one of the following procedures:
    • If the Junos Space Platform fabric has only Junos Space Appliances (JA2500), power on one of the appliances that is part of the fabric and reimage it by following the procedure in 3.


      If you are upgrading a Junos Space Platform setup with a single Junos Space Appliance (JA2500), you must validate the backup file before you reimage the appliance with the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 software image. If you do not ensure that the data backup from the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup is complete before you reimage the appliance, the data is lost. For information about validating the backup file, see Validating the Backup File.

    • If the Junos Space Platform fabric has Junos Space Virtual Appliances, deploy a new Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 virtual appliance instance and configure it as a Junos Space node by following the procedure in 3.

  3. Install Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 and restore data by using one of the following procedures:

    To ensure that you upgrade Junos Space Platform and not choose a fresh installation of Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, select the option to restore backed-up data when you are prompted during the configuration of the node.

    If the messages displayed on the console indicate that data is restored successfully and JBoss services are started on the node, you can access the Junos Space Platform GUI through a browser by using the virtual IP (VIP) address configured for Web access.

  4. (Optional) If the messages displayed on the console indicate that data is not restored successfully, you can roll back to the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup.
  5. If the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup had Junos Space applications installed, after the data is restored successfully and the Junos Space Platform GUI becomes accessible, you must upgrade the applications to releases that are compatible with Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 by using the Junos Space Platform GUI.

    After the upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, the Junos Space applications that were installed prior to the upgrade, appear disabled. For more information about upgrading an application, refer to the release notes of the Junos Space application that you want to upgrade.

Rolling Back to Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 if Upgrade Fails

While upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, if you are unable to restore the data backed up before you began upgrading Junos Space Platform, you can roll back to Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1.

If data restore fails, complete one of the following procedures:

  • If the Junos Space node is a standalone node:

    1. Complete one of the following procedures:

    2. Download and apply the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 patch. See Downloading and Installing the Junos Space Platform 20.3R1 Patch to install the patch.

    3. Install the same Junos Space applications that were installed on the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1setup that you attempted to upgrade.

    4. Type the following command to navigate to the /var/cache/space-backup-restore directory:

      [root@space-20.3R1-node ~]# cd /var/cache/space-backup-restore

    5. Type the following command to restore the backup:

      [root@space-20.3R1-node /var/cache/space-backup-restore]# sh

      You are prompted to specify the location from where you want to restore the backup.

    6. Select one of the following options depending on where the backup file is stored:

      • To restore from a remote Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) server:

        1. Type 1 and press Enter.

          You are prompted to confirm whether you want to continue.

        2. Based on whether you want to continue or exit, perform one of the following actions:

          • Type Y.

            You are prompted to enter the IPv4 address of the remote SCP server.

            1. Type the IPv4 address of the remote SCP server and press Enter.

              You are prompted to enter the port number for the remote server.

            2. Type the port number of the remote SCP server and press Enter.

              You are prompted to enter the username to access the remote server.

            3. Type the username and press Enter.

              You are prompted to enter the password of the user.

            4. Type the password and press Enter.

              You are prompted to enter the full path of the directory where the backup file is stored.

            5. Type the full path of the directory and press Enter.


              Ensure that the directory path does not contain any space characters.

              The messages displayed on the console indicate whether the data is restored successfully to the Junos Space node.

          • Type N to exit.

      • To restore from a USB storage device:

        • Before you restore from a USB storage device, ensure that the USB device is plugged in. The restore procedure will try to mount the device to the path /tmp/pendrive.

        • For data backup and restore, identify the USB storage device using the fdisk -l command and format the device using the mkfs.ext2 <physical device> command. For example, mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb. This ensures that the USB device has the correct disk layout for the execution of the backup and restore procedures and prevents loss of data.

        1. Type 2 and press Enter to restore the backup from the USB storage device.

          The messages displayed on the console indicate whether the data is restored successfully to the Junos Space node.

        2. Unmount the USB storage device by typing the following command:

          [root@space-20.3R1-node /var/cache/space-backup-restore]# umount /tmp/pendrive

          You can unplug the USB storage device after you unmount it.

      • To restore data from the backup file stored on the Junos Space node:


        To restore data from the backup file stored on the Junos Space node, you must first copy the file from the backup location to the Junos Space node.

        1. Type 3 and press Enter.

          You are prompted to enter the full path of the directory where the backup file is stored.

        2. Type the full path of the directory and press Enter.

          The messages displayed on the node indicate whether the data is restored successfully to the Junos Space node.

      If the messages displayed on the console indicate that the data is restored successfully and JBoss services are started on the node, you can access the Junos Space Platform UI through a browser by using the VIP address configured for Web access. You can now use this Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 installation.

      If the restore fails, save the troubleshooting log file, /var/log/restoreStatus.log to your computer; power off the node; and contact Juniper Networks support for assistance.

  • If the node is a Junos Space Appliance (JA2500) and the first node of a Junos Space fabric, complete the following procedure:

    1. Power off the node.

    2. Power on the remaining nodes of the cluster, to bring up the cluster with the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 installation.

    3. Delete the first node (on which upgrade failed) from the cluster, using the Junos Space Platform GUI. For more information about deleting the node, see Deleting a Node from the Junos Space Fabric.

    4. Power on and reimage the node that you attempted to upgrade, to install the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 software image. To reimage the node, follow one of the procedures listed in 1.

    5. Add the node to the fabric by using the Junos Space Platform GUI. For information about adding nodes to the Junos Space fabric, see Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric.

Installing Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 on the Remaining Nodes of the Fabric

When you upgrade from Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, if you have dedicated database nodes or Fault Monitoring and Performance Monitoring (FMPM) nodes configured for the Junos Space Platform setup that you are upgrading, after the upgrade and data restoration on the first node of the Junos Space fabric is complete, you must add the dedicated database nodes and FMPM nodes to the fabric by using the Junos Space Platform GUI. You can configure the nodes as Junos Space nodes or Fault Monitoring and Performance Monitoring (FMPM) nodes, by using one of the following procedures:


After you configure the nodes from the Junos Space Platform command line, you can add the nodes to the Junos Space fabric as JBoss nodes, dedicated database nodes, FMPM nodes, by using the Junos Space Platform UI. For information about adding nodes to the Junos Space fabric, see Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric.

Enabling Device Communication

After you upgrade to the Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1, you must configure device communication to ensure that discovered devices can communicate with the Junos Space server.

To configure device communication:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform GUI, select Administration > Applications.

    The Applications page is displayed.

  2. Click Network Management Platform and select Modify Application Settings from the Actions menu. Alternatively, right-click Network Management Platform and select Modify Application Settings.

    The Modify Application Settings (Modify Network Management Platform Settings) page is displayed and the Device section is selected by default.

  3. Select the Allow Device Communication check box.
  4. Click Modify to modify the settings.

Devices discovered in Junos Space Platform can now communicate with the Junos Space server.

Managing Disaster Recovery Configuration after Upgrade to 21.1

If you have disaster recovery configured for the Junos Space Platform Release 20.3R1 setup that you are upgrading, you must upgrade both the active and standby sites to Junos Space Platform Release 21.1R1 as explained in this topic and then reconfigure disaster recovery. For information about configuring disaster recovery, see Configuring the Disaster Recovery Process Between an Active and a Standby Site.