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Device Images and Scripts Overview

In Junos Space Network Management Platform, a device image is a software installation package that enables you to upgrade to or downgrade from one Junos operating system (Junos OS) release to another. Scripts are configuration and diagnostic automation tools provided by Junos OS.

The Images and Scripts workspace in Junos Space Platform enables you to manage these device images and scripts.

You can access the Images and Scripts workspace by clicking Images and Scripts on the Junos Space Platform UI.

The Images and Scripts workspace enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Manage device images.

    You can upload device images and Junos Continuity software packages from your local file system and deploy them to a device or multiple devices of the same device family simultaneously. After uploading device images and Junos Continuity software packages, you can stage them on a device, verify the checksum, and deploy them whenever required. You can also schedule the staging, deployment, and validation of device images and Junos Continuity software packages.

  • Manage scripts.

    You can import multiple scripts into the Junos Space server and perform various tasks such as modifying the scripts, viewing their details, exporting their content, comparing them, and staging them on multiple devices simultaneously. After you stage scripts onto devices, you can use Junos Space Platform to enable, disable, or execute the scripts on those devices.

  • Manage operations.

    You can create, manage, export, import, and execute operations that combine multiple scripts and image tasks, such as upgrading images and staging or executing scripts, into a single operation for efficient use and reuse.

  • Manage script bundles.

    You can group multiple scripts into a script bundle. Script bundles can be staged and executed on devices. You can also modify and delete script bundles.

Junos Space Platform allows you to access and perform tasks in a workspace only if you are assigned the appropriate role or granted the appropriate permissions required for performing that task. Junos Space Platform has a set of predefined user roles that can be assigned to a user to enable access to the various workspaces. For more information about the predefined roles in Junos Space Platform, see Predefined Roles Overview. A User Administrator can also create and assign roles to users from the Role Based Access Control workspace in Junos Space Platform.