Generating and Uploading Authentication Keys to Devices
Junos Space Network Management Platform can authenticate a device either by using credentials (username and password) or by keys. Junos Space Network Management Platform supports RSA, DSA, and ECDSA public-key cryptographic principles to perform key-based authentication. You can select a key size of 2048 or 4096 bits. Junos Space Platform includes a default set of public-private key pairs; the public key is uploaded to the device and the private key is stored on the Junos Space server.
If you generated a new set of keys, you can either upload the new keys to the devices or resolve key conflicts when the device is disconnected from Junos Space Platform. For more information about resolving key conflicts, refer to Resolving Key Conflicts.
The following tasks describe how to the generate keys in Junos Space Platform and upload the public keys to the devices:
Generating Authentication Keys
To generate a public/private key pair for authentication during login to network devices:
If there are already scheduled report generation or configuration backup tasks when you change the SSH key, ensure that you update the new SSH Key on the SCP server.
Uploading Authentication Keys to Multiple Managed Devices for the First Time
To upload authentication keys to multiple managed devices for the first time:
Uploading Authentication Keys to Managed Devices With a Key Conflict
To upload authentication keys to one or several managed devices with a key conflict manually:
If you do not specify a username in the User Name field, the key is uploaded for the “user admin” user on the device. If the username you specify in the User Name field does not exist on the device, a user with this username is created and the key is uploaded for this user.