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Installing the Worldwide Junos OS Adapter

You can install and use the wwadapter to manage devices running on the worldwide version of Junos OS (ww Junos OS devices). Before you install the wwadapter, you must upload the ww Junos OS device wwadapter image file.

To upload the wwadapter image file:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Adapter .

    The Device Adapter page is displayed.

  2. Select the Add Device Adapter icon on the Actions bar.
  3. Browse to the wwadapter image file and select the filename so that the full path appears in the Software File field.
  4. Click Upload to bring the image into Junos Space Network Management Platform.

    A status box shows the progress of the image upload. Adding the wwadaptor image file automatically installs the wwadapter.

Before you connect to any device, you must verify that the installation was successful.

To verify that the installation was successful, look at the device console on the Junos Space server.

  1. On the server, change the directories to verify that the wwadapter directory has been created.

  2. To verify that the wwadapter is running, enter the following command on the Junos Space server:

    If the wwadapter is not active, you see the following status:

    Use the following commands to start or stop the wwadapter:

    To start the wwadapter:

    To stop the wwadapter:

To see the wwAdapter logs, change the directories to the wwadapter directory.

To view the contents of the error log file, open the log file with any standard text editor.

To view the contents of the log4j configuration file, change the directories to the wwadapter directory.