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Understanding High Availability Management of DMI Connections

Junos Space maintains a persistent device management interface (DMI) connection with each managed device and supports the following types of DMI connections:

  • Space-initiated (default)—A TCP connection from a JBoss server process on a node to the SSH port (22 by default) on the device.

  • Device-initiated—A TCP connection from the device to port 7804 on a JBoss server process on a node.

To load balance DMI connections, all connections are distributed across all the nodes in a Junos Space cluster. A device keepalive monitor sends a heartbeat message to devices every 40 seconds. If there is no reply for 15 minutes, the device keepalive monitor marks the connection status of the device as Down.

A device connection monitor scans the connection status of all devices with space-initiated connections. If the monitor detects that the connection status of a device is Down, it attempts to reconnect to the device. If this first attempt fails, a second attempt is made after 30 minutes. Because each reconnect attempt is performed from a node in the cluster that is the least loaded in terms of the number of devices managed, the device might get reconnected from a different node in the cluster after a connection failure.

When devices are discovered using device-initiated connection mode, the device management IP address of all nodes in the Junos Space cluster gets configured in the outbound SSH stanza on the device. The device will keep trying to connect to one of these IP addresses until one succeeds. The device is responsible for detecting any failures on the connection and for reconnecting to another node in the cluster. For more information, see the Junos XML Management Protocol Guide.

If a JBoss server process crashes or is stopped, or if the node running the process is shut down, all the DMI connections that it maintains are migrated to another node in the cluster. When this JBoss server comes up, these DMI connections are not automatically migrated back to the JBoss server because it is available for any new devices that are being discovered. At present, there is no way to migrate DMI connections back to this original JBoss server, which can result in poor load balancing of DMI connections if there are not many new devices to be discovered.