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Promoting Scripts Overview

The promote script feature of Junos Space Network Management Platform enables you to execute a script as an action from the shortcut menu. This feature is an alternative option to executing Scripts from the Execute Scripts window. You can promote scripts to create actions for devices, physical interfaces, logical interfaces, and physical inventory components.

With script promotion, the script execution task is available as a right-click action. You can select the device and execute the script directly. In the absence of the promote scripts feature, to execute a script on a device, you must select the device on the Device Management page and select Device Operations > Execute Scripts from the Actions menu. You must then select the required script from the Execute Scripts window, provide parameters, and then execute the script.

To promote scripts, include the @PROMOTE annotation with the value set to yes. /*@PROMOTE=”yes”*/

Device scripts that are not staged and enabled appear as disabled in the right-click action menu. In the case of device scripts, if the promoted script is not staged and enabled, it will appear as a disabled action. But for interfaces and physical inventory components, the promoted script does not appear on the menu at all if it is not staged and enabled.

Local scripts can also be promoted and are not subject to these restrictions.


The promote script feature works only when the option “Advanced Xpath Processing” is enabled. You can enable this option from Administration > Applications > Modify Application Settings > CLIConfiglets. Only operation scripts can be promoted. You can promote up to 25 scripts, but you cannot execute multiple promoted scripts simultaneously.