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Viewing Missing DMI Schemas

In Junos Space Network Management Platform, you can view the list of Device Management Interface (DMI) schemas that are missing. Missing schema versions are the OS versions on devices that Junos Space Platform discovers in your network, but are not installed on Junos Space Platform. When schema versions are missing in Junos Space Platform, we recommend that you install the missing schema versions. However, installing a schema is not critical if the version of the schema already installed in Junos Space Platform is close to the versions of Junos OS running on the devices.

To view missing DMI schemas :

  1. On the Junos Space Platform user interface, select Administration > DMI Schemas.

    The DMISchemas page appears.

  2. From the Actions or the shortcut menu, select View/Install Missing Schemas.

    The View/Install Missing Schemas dialog box appears displaying a list of schemas that are not installed in Junos Space Platform. For each schema, the device family and OS version are displayed.

    If there are no missing schemas, then the list is empty.


    Starting from Junos Space Platform Release 17.1R1, the View Missing Schema action is changed to View/Install Missing Schema.

  3. Click Close to close the dialog box.

    You are taken to the DMI Schemas page.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting from Junos Space Platform Release 17.1R1, the View Missing Schema action is changed to View/Install Missing Schema.