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Viewing and Deleting Unused DMI Schemas

From the Administration workspace, you can delete any unused Device Management Interface (DMI) schemas that no longer need to be managed by Junos Space Network Management Platform. A schema is considered unused if it meets both of the following conditions:

  • The schema is not associated with a device, a template, or a template definition.

  • The schema is not set as the default schema for any device family.

  • You can delete any unused schema from Junos Space Platform if you are a user who is assigned the privileges of a Super Administrator or System Administrator.

  • When you delete a schema, Junos Space Platform automatically generates an audit log entry.

To view and delete unused schemas:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform user interface, select Administration > DMI Schemas.

    The DMI Schemas page appears.

  2. From the Actions menu, select View/Delete Unused Schemas.

    The View/Delete Unused Schemas dialog box appears displaying a list of unused schemas in a table. For each schema, the device family and OS version are displayed.

    If there are no unused schemas, then Junos Space Platform displays the message Unused schemas do not exist in Space in a dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  3. Select the schemas that you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete to delete the selected schemas.

    The Delete Unused Schemas dialog box appears and a message that a job to delete the schemas is triggered is displayed along with the hyperlinked job ID.

    The selected schemas are deleted from the Junos Space Platform database; in addition, the relevant files on the nodes in the fabric are deleted.


    You can click the hyperlinked job ID to view the status of the job on the Job Management page. On the Job Management page, the Summary column for the job displays the number of schemas that were successfully deleted and the number of schemas that were not deleted from the list of selected schemas.

    If the schemas were not deleted, you can double-click the job to view the reasons for failure.

  5. Click OK.

    You are taken to the DMI Schemas page. After the schema deletion job is successfully completed, the deleted schemas are no longer visible on this page.