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Creating a Device Discovery Profile

You create a device discovery profile to create a set of preferences for device targets, probes, authentication mode and credentials, SSH fingerprints, and the schedule to discover devices to Junos Space Network Management Platform. In addition to scheduling the discovery, you can manually start the discovery process by running the device discovery profile. For more information, see Running Device Discovery Profiles.


To discover a device with dual Routing Engines, always specify the IP address of the current primary Routing Engine. When the current primary IP address is specified, Junos Space Network Management Platform manages the device and the redundancy. If the primary Routing Engine fails, the backup Routing Engine takes over and Junos Space Network Management Platform manages the transition automatically without bringing down the device.


When you initiate discovery on a device running Junos OS, Junos Space Network Management Platform automatically enables the NETCONF protocol over SSH by pushing the following command to the device:

To create a device discovery profile, complete the following tasks:

Specifying Device Targets

Device targets are IP addresses or hostnames of devices that you want Junos Space Network Management Platform to discover.

To specify the device targets that you want Junos Space Network Management Platform to discover:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Discovery > Device Discovery Profiles.

    The Discover Discovery Profiles page is displayed.

  2. Click the Create Device Discovery Profile icon on the toolbar.

    The Device Discovery Target page is displayed on the left. The list of different tasks that should be completed to create a profile is displayed on the right: Device Discovery Target, Specify Probes, Specify Credentials, Specify Device FingerPrint, and Schedule/Recurrence.


    At any point in time, you can click the links to the different tasks (on the right of the page) and navigate to those pages.

  3. In the Discovery Profile Name field, enter the name of the device discovery profile.

    The device discovery profile name cannot exceed 255 characters and can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters. The special characters allowed are period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_). The device discovery profile name cannot start with letters or numbers and cannot contain leading or trailing spaces.


    The Make Public check box is selected by default so that the device discovery profile is visible to all users.

  4. In the Discovery Parameters field, you can add devices manually by specifying the details on the Device Discovery Target page or by uploading the details of the devices through a CSV file.

    To add devices manually:

    1. Click the Add Manually option button.
    2. In the Target Type area, select how you want to specify the targets: IP addresses or hostnames, IP ranges, or a subnet.
      • To enter the IP address or hostname of the device:

        1. Select the IP Address/Hostname option button.

        2. In the Target Details field, enter the IP address or hostname.


          You can enter the IP address in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. Refer to for the list of restricted IPv4 addresses and for the list of restricted IPv6 addresses.


          You can enter a combination of the following separated by a comma (,):

          • IP addresses

          • Hostnames

          • IP address range expressions

          • Subnet expressions

          For example,,,,

      • To enter a range of IP addresses for the devices:

        1. Select the IP Range option button.

          The maximum number of IP addresses for an IP range target is 1024.

        2. In the Start IP Address field, enter the first IP address.

        3. In the End IP Address field, enter the last IP address.

      • To enter an IP subnet for the devices:

        1. Select the Subnet option button.

        2. In the IP Subnet/CIDR field, enter the subnet details.

          The subnet prefix for IPv4 addresses is 1–32 and for IPv6 addresses is 1–128.

    To add devices by using a CSV file:


    Device discovery is supported only for existing public tags in Junos Space Platform.

    Starting from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1, a Private Key column has been added in the CSV file to support the custom key option for device discovery. Ensure that you use the latest sample CSV file. However, backward compatibility is supported. That is, if you use an existing CSV file (from a previous release), the file is uploaded successfully.

    1. Click the Upload CSV option button.

      The format of the CSV file that you are uploading should exactly match the format of the sample CSV file.

      You can add hundreds of devices to Junos Space Network Management Platform by using a CSV file. You can specify the hostnames, IP addresses, device login credentials, tags, and SSH fingerprints in the CSV file.

    2. (Optional) To view a sample CSV file, click the Sample CSV link.
    3. Click Browse.

      The CSV File Upload dialog box appears.

    4. Navigate to the desired CSV file, select it, and then click Open.

      The name of the CSV file is displayed in the CSV File: field.

    5. Click Upload to upload the selected CSV file.
  5. Click Next to proceed and select probes.

    The Specify Probes page is displayed.

Specifying Probes

Probes are protocols used to find devices on the network—ping, SNMP, or SSH.

To specify probes on the Specify Probes page:

  1. To use the NAT configuration to discover devices using this profile, select the the Use NAT check box.

    The Use NAT check box is available for selection only if NAT is already configured in Junos Space.

  2. To discover devices using ping (if SNMP is not configured on the device), select the Use Ping check box.

    By default, this check box is selected.

  3. To discover devices using SNMP (if SNMP is configured on the device), select the Use SNMP check box.

    By default, this check box is selected.


    If you clear both the Use Ping and Use SNMP check boxes, SSH is used to discover devices. When both the Use Ping and Use SNMP check boxes are selected (the default), Junos Space Network Management Platform can discover the target device more quickly, but only if the device is pingable and SNMP is enabled on the device.

  4. You can select an appropriate version of SNMP during discovery:

    1. To use SNMP v1 or v2c:

      1. Select the SNMP V1/V2C option button.

      2. Specify a community string, which can be public, private, or a predefined string.

        The default community string is public.

    2. To use SNMP v3:

      1. Select the SNMP V3 option button.

      2. In the User Name field, enter the username.

      3. In the Authentication type field, select the authentication type (MD5, SHA1, or None).

      4. In the Authentication password field, enter the authentication password. .

        This field is available only if you selected MD5 or SHA1 in the Authentication type field. If you selected None as the authentication type, the authentication function is disabled.

      5. Select the privacy type (AES128, AES192, AES256, DES, or None).

      6. Enter the privacy password (if AES128, AES192, AES256, or DES).

        If you specify None for the privacy type, the privacy function is disabled.


        The SNMPv3 privacy mode supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithms with 192-bit and 256-bit encryption from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward.

  5. (Optional) Click Back to navigate to the Device Discovery Target page and change the details of the device targets.
  6. Click Next to proceed and select the authentication method.

    The Specify Credentials page is displayed.

Selecting the Authentication Method and Specifying Credentials

You can choose the mode of authentication for the devices you are about to discover. For credentials-based authentication, if you already specified the device login credentials in the CSV file, you can skip the Specify Credentials page. With credentials-based authentication, you can specify a common administrator name and password to establish an SSH connection to each target device that you are about to discover. If you are using key-based authentication, you must have generated keys from Junos Space Network Management Platform or must have the private key on your computer.

To specify the mode of authentication and credentials on the Specify Credentials page:

Select the mode of authentication used to authenticate devices during discovery.

To use credentials-based authentication:

  1. In the Authentication Type area, select the Credentials-Based Authentication option button.
  2. In the Username field, enter the administrator username.
  3. In the Password field, enter the administrator password.
  4. In the Confirm Password field, reenter the administrator password.

To use key-based authentication:

  1. In the Authentication Type area, select the Key-Based Authentication option button.
  2. In the Username field, enter the administrator username.

    You can use a key generated from Junos Space Network Management Platform (known as Space Key) or a custom private key uploaded to Junos Space Network Management Platform:

    • To use a key generated from Junos Space Network Management Platform:

      1. Select the Use Space Key option button.

        From Junos Space Platform Release 18.2 onward, you can upload Space Key for authentication to Junos Space Platform by using the device discovery workflow.

        Select the Upload Space Key to Device checkbox to upload the Space Key to the device.

        To upload Space Key:

        • Enter the username in the Authorized Username field.

        • Enter the password in the Authorized Password field.


          The above credentials, Authorized Username and Authorized Password, are used only to upload the Space Key to the device.

          If the username you specify in the Username field does not exist on the device, a user with this username is created as a super user and the key is uploaded for this user.

    • To use a custom private key:

      1. Select the Use Custom Key option button.

      2. (Optional) In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase created when you generated the private key.

      3. Next to the Private Key field, click the Browse button to upload the private key for the managed devices.


        If you modify the discovery profile, the Private Key field displays id_rsa (which is the default filename) instead of the name of the uploaded file.

  3. (Optional) Click Back to navigate to the preceding pages and change the probes and device targets.
  4. Click Next to proceed and specify device fingerprints.

    The Specify Device FingerPrint page is displayed.

(Optional) Specifying SSH Fingerprints

Optionally, specify or modify (if you specified the fingerprints by using the CSV file) the SSH fingerprints for target devices. If you do not specify the fingerprints, Junos Space Network Management Platform obtains fingerprint details when it connects to the device for the first time. You can specify fingerprints during device discovery only for Juniper Networks devices. If you already specified the SSH fingerprints in the CSV file, you can skip this task.

To specify the SSH fingerprints on the Specify Device FingerPrint page:

  1. Click the Fingerprint column corresponding to the device and enter the SSH fingerprint of the device.

    You can specify fingerprints for a maximum of 1024 devices simultaneously using this workflow.

  2. (Optional) Repeat step 1 for all devices or devices whose fingerprints you know.
  3. (Optional) Click Back to navigate to the preceding pages and change the authentication details, probes, and device targets.
  4. Click Next to proceed and schedule discovery by using this profile.

    The Schedule/Recurrence page is displayed.

Scheduling Device Discovery

Schedule the device discovery profile to discover devices to Junos Space Network Management Platform.

To schedule the device discovery profile to discover devices:

  1. Select the Schedule at a later time check box.
    1. Enter the date in the Date field in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
    2. Enter the time in the Time field in the hh:mm format.
  2. Select the Recurrence check box.
    1. (Optional) Select the periodicity of recurrence from the Repeats list.

      The options are Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. The default is Weekly.

    2. (Optional) Select the interval from the Repeat every list.

      The default is 1.

    3. (Optional) If you select Weekly from the Repeats list, the Repeat by field appears. Select the check boxes for the days of the week that you want the job to recur.
    4. (Optional) Click the On option button in the Ends field to specify an end date for the job recurrence.

      If you select the Never option button, the job recurs endlessly until you cancel the job manually.

    5. To specify the date and time when you want to end the job recurrence:
      1. Enter the date in the Date field in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

      2. Enter the time in the Time field in the hh:mm format.

  3. (Optional) Click Back to navigate to the preceding page and change fingerprints, authentication details, probes, and device targets.
  4. Click Finish to save the device discovery profile.

    A job is created and the Discover Network Elements Information dialog box displays the link to the job ID. Click OK to close the Information dialog box.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

From Junos Space Platform Release 18.2 onward, you can upload Space Key for authentication to Junos Space Platform by using the device discovery workflow.
Starting from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1, a Private Key column has been added in the CSV file to support the custom key option for device discovery.
The SNMPv3 privacy mode supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithms with 192-bit and 256-bit encryption from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward.