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Creating a Quick Template

You create a Quick template to push a configuration to the devices. A Quick template is a device template created without a template definition.


To create a Quick template based on the current configuration on a managed device by using the Create Template from Device Configuration workflow, click Devices > Device Management > Device Configuration > Create Template from Device Configuration from the Devices workspace. You are directed to the Create Quick Template page.

To create a Quick template:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Device Templates > Templates.

    The Templates page is displayed.

  2. Click the Create Template icon on the toolbar and select Create Quick Template.

    The Create Quick Template page is displayed.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the Quick template.

    The Quick template name is required. The Quick template name must be unique and contain at most 63 characters.

  4. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the Quick template.

    You can enter at most 255 characters.

  5. From the Device Family drop-down list, select an appropriate device family.
  6. From the Versions drop-down list, select an appropriate Junos OS version.
  7. You can create a Quick template by using the CLI-based template editor or the form-based template editor.

    To create a Quick template by using the CLI-based template editor:

    1. Click the CLI-based Template Editor link.

      The Template Editor dialog box is displayed. To the left of the Template Editor is a text-editing area. You can type or paste Junos OS CLI commands in the text-editing area. A toolbar at the top of the text-editing area provides functionalities such as save, syntax validation, copy, paste, cut, undo, redo, and find. To the right area of the Template Editor configuration options, such as Access profile, Class of service, and Firewall are provided. The device family that you select determines which configuration options are displayed.


      In Google Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers, the keyboard shortcuts and the tool bar options for cut, copy, and paste may not work at times. If you encounter this issue, use the right-click menu to complete these operations.

    2. The selected configuration node is displayed in the text-exiting area. You can edit this configuration node by manually entering text.
    3. (Optional) Use the toolbar functionalities to modify the configuration on the CLI-based template editor.
    4. (Optional) To include comments in the Template Editor, enter comments in the following format: #(<configuration node related to the comment>)<comment>. For example, #(snmp community a1) "comments for node snmp community a1" means that the comment for the snmp community a1 node in the configuration hierarchy is “comments for node snmp community a1”.

    To create a Quick template by using the form-based template editor:

    1. Select the Basic Setup link.

      The Basic Setup dialog box is displayed.

    2. (Optional) In the Hostname field, enter the hostname of the device.
    3. (Optional) In the Domain name field, enter the domain name of the device.
    4. (Optional) In the Timezone field, enter the time zone of the device.
    5. (Optional) Select the Allow FTP file transfers check box if you want to allow FTP file transfers on the device.
    6. (Optional) Select the Allow ssh access check box if you want to allow access to the device through SSH.
    7. (Optional) Select the Allow telnet login check box if you want to allow access to the device through Telnet.
    8. For NTP Server, click the Add NTP Server icon to add an NTP server to the device.

      The Add dialog box is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this dialog box:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the NTP server.

      2. (Optional) In the Key field, enter a value for the key.

      3. (Optional) From the Version drop-down list, select the appropriate version.

      4. (Optional) Select the Prefer check box.

      5. Click Create.

      Use the Edit NTP Server and Delete NTP Server icons to edit and delete the NTP server details respectively.

    9. For User Management, click the Add User icon to add users for the device.

      The Add dialog box is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this dialog box:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the user.

      2. (Optional) Select an appropriate user ID from the User ID field.

        The minimum value for this field is 100.

      3. (Optional) In the Full Name field, enter the full name of the user.

      4. (Optional) In the Password field, enter the password for the user.

      5. (Optional) In the Re-enter Password field, reenter the password for the user.

      6. From the Login Class drop-down list, select the appropriate login class for the user.

        The available login classes are super-user, operator, read-only, unauthorized, and wheel.

      7. Click Create.

      Use the Edit User and Delete User icons to edit and delete the details of the user respectively.

    10. For DNS Server, click the DNS NTP Server icon to add a DNS server to the device.

      The Add dialog box is displayed.

      Enter the following details in this dialog box:

      1. In the Name field, enter the name of the DNS server.

      2. Click Create.

      Use the Edit DNS Server and Delete DNS Server icons to edit and delete the DNS server details respectively.

    11. Enter the following SNMP details:

      1. In the Location field, enter the location for SNMP.

      2. Click the Add SNMP Community icon.

        The Add dialog box is displayed.

        For Community, enter the following details:

        1. In the Name field, enter the name of the SNMP community.

        2. (Optional) From the Authorization drop-down list, select the appropriate type of authorization.

        3. Click Create.

          Use the Edit SNMP Community and Delete SNMP Community icons to edit and delete the SNMP Community details respectively.

      3. Click the Add Trap Group icon.

        The Add dialog box is displayed.

        For Trap Group, enter the following details:

        1. In the Name field, enter the name of the trap group.

        2. (Optional) Select the check box next to the appropriate trap group category.

        3. Click Create.

        Use the Edit Trap Group and Delete Trap Group icons to edit and delete the trap group details respectively.

    12. Click OK.

    If you have installed the Security Director application on your Junos Space Network Management Platform setup and are creating a Quick template by choosing J Series, SRX Series, or LN Series as the device family, you can use the additional Configuration Guides available on the Create Quick Template page. In this case, the Create Quick Template page lists the Configuration Guides to set up routing and security parameters for the Quick template. For more information about using the Configuration Guides related to routing and security parameters for the Quick template, see the Junos Space Security Director Application Guide.


    The Basic Setup Configuration Guide is available only when ACX Series, J Series, M Series, MX Series, T Series, TX Series, PTX Series, EX9200, EX Series, J Series, SRX Series, LN Series, QF Series, or QFX Series is selected as the device family.

  8. When you have configured all configuration options required for the Quick template, click OK.
  9. (Optional) Click the Variable Settings button on the lower left to configure the order of the variables and the default value for these variables.

    The Variable Settings page is displayed. You can view all the variables you want to use in the configuration in the Variables area on the left of the page and view the Variable Settings area on the right of the page.

    To configure variable settings:

    1. To reorder variables, use the up and down arrows in the Variables area.

    2. (Optional) In the Display Name field, enter a user-defined display name.

    3. (Optional) In the Default Value field, enter the default value of the variable.

    4. (Optional) In the Valid RegEx field, enter a regular expression.

    5. (Optional) You can either save these variable settings and revisit them later or download to your computer in CSV format.

      • To download the variables and their settings in CSV format, click the Generate CSV Format button.

      • To save the variables and their settings without downloading, click the Save button.

  10. (Optional) Preview the configuration before saving it by clicking the Preview button.
  11. You can save the Quick template for future modifications or immediately deploy the Quick template to devices.
    • To save the Quick template, click Save.

      You are redirected to the Templates page.

    • To deploy the Quick template, click Save and Assign/Deploy.

      You are redirected to the Deploy Template page.

  • To erase specific configuration from a device by using a Quick template, replace the SET commands with DELETE commands by using the CLI-based Template editor and deploy the Quick template to the device.

    Such templates are also known as negative templates.

  • If you undeploy a negative template from a device, the configuration that you removed during the deployment is reset.

For more information about deploying a Quick template, see Deploying a Quick Template.