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Viewing Audit Logs

Audit logs are generated for login activity and tasks that are initiated (by users) from the Junos Space Network Management Platform and Services Activation Director, as well as Service Automation.


To view audit logs, you must have Audit Log Administrator privileges.

To view audit logs:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform UI, select Audit Logs > Audit Log.

    The Audit Log page appears displaying the audit logs in tabular format. The fields displayed on the Audit Log page are described in Table 1.

  2. (Optional) Click an audit log entry to view the details for that audit log.

    The Audit Log Detail dialog box is displayed. This page displays additional fields that are not displayed on the Audit Log page; these fields are described in Table 1.

    Click OK to close the Audit Log Detail dialog box.

  3. (Optional) If the audit log entry includes a link to the job ID, click the link to display information about the job associated with the audit log entry.

    The Job List page is displayed; the fields displayed in this page are described in Table 2.

    Click Back to go to the Audit Log page.

Table 1: Fields on the Audit Log Page and Audit Log Detail Dialog Box



Displayed In


Audit Log ID

Audit Log page

User Name

Username of the user that initiated the task

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box

User IP

IP address of the client computer from which the user initiated the task

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Domain from which a user has initiated jobs

Audit Log page


Name of the application from which the user initiated the task

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Name of the workspace from which the user initiated the task

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Name of the task that triggered the audit log

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Timestamp for the audit log file that is stored in UTC time in the database but mapped to the local time zone of the client computer.

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Result of the task that triggered the audit log:

  • Success—Job is completed successfully.

  • Failure—Job failed and is terminated.

  • Job Scheduled—Job is scheduled but has not yet started.

  • Recurring Job Scheduled—Job scheduled with recurrence.

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box

Job ID

ID of the job-based task.

As explained in the procedure, click the job ID to view detailed information about the job.

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box


Description of the audit log

Junos Space provides additional information such as configlet name and the device name in the audit log for the following tasks that are performed via REST API:

  • Apply CLI Configlet

  • Validate CLI Configlet

For example, Apply CLI Configlet/Validate CLI Configlet operation initiated for the configlet <configlet_name> on the device <device_name>.

Audit Log page

Audit Log Detail dialog box

Affected Objects

Junos Space objects pertaining to the task in the audit log

Audit Log Detail dialog box

Affected Object Detail

Details about the affected Junos Space objects; for example, the information related to the Modify Application settings task

Audit Log Detail dialog box

View Configuration Detail

Details of the device configuration changes are displayed in the Configuration Details dialog box.

Audit Log Detail dialog box


The View Configuration Detail link is visible on the Audit Log Detail dialog box for only the following audit log tasks: modifying device configuration, deploying device configuration, executing scripts, modifying authentication on devices, deploying templates, applying CLI configlet, deploying device image, restoring configuration, and resolving key conflicts.

Table 2: Fields on the Job List Page




Name of the job

Job ID

Numerical ID of the job


Percentage of job that is completed


State of job execution:

  • SUCCESS—Job is completed successfully.

  • FAILURE—Job failed and is terminated.

  • IN PROGRESS—Job is in progress.

  • CANCELED—Job is canceled by the user.

Job Type

Type of job; for example, Discover Network Elements


Summary of the job

Scheduled Start Time

Date and time at which the job is scheduled (specified by a Junos Space user)

Actual Start Time

Date and time at which the job actually started

End Time

Date and time at which the job ended


Job recurrence interval, start time, and end time

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

The View Configuration Detail link is visible on the Audit Log Detail dialog box for only the following audit log tasks: modifying device configuration, deploying device configuration, executing scripts, modifying authentication on devices, deploying templates, applying CLI configlet, deploying device image, restoring configuration, and resolving key conflicts.