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Generating Reports

You can generate reports from the report definitions you created. You can generate the following types of reports:

  • Audit Trail report

  • Device Inventory report

  • Device Licence Inventory report

  • Device Logical Interface Inventory report

  • Device Physical Interface Inventory report

  • Device Physical Inventory report

  • Device Software Inventory report

  • Job Inventory report

  • User Accounts report


You cannot generate a report if the report definition you select contains a type of report that you do not have access to. The following error message is displayed if you try to generate such a report: The selected report definition contains object categories that you cannot access and hence cannot be used to generate report. For information about the mapping of report definition categories to the privileges you require, see Reports Overview.

To generate reports:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform user interface, select Reports > Report Definitions.

    The Report Definitions page that appears displays all the report definitions in the Junos Space Platform database.

  2. Select the check box next to the report definition that you want to use to create a report and click the Generate Report icon on the toolbar.

    The Generate Reports window is displayed.

  3. Select the report formats you want to generate by selecting the appropriate check boxes next to the Report Format field.

    Junos Space Platform provides reports in CSV, HTML, and PDF formats.

  4. (Optional) Select the SCP Server check box to configure Junos Space Platform to store the report in a directory on a Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) server.

    To configure the SCP server:

    1. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the SCP server.
    2. From the Port spin box, select the appropriate port number. By default, the port number is 22.
    3. In the Directory field, enter the name of the directory on the SCP server to which you want to save the reports.
    4. In the User Name field, enter the username that you use to access the SCP server.

    5. You can select the authentication mode for saving reports to SCP server from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 17.1R1 onward.

      • To use the password mode, in the Password field, enter the password used to access the SCP server. By default, the Password mode is selected.

      • To use a key generated from Junos Space Platform, click Space Key. Click the Download Space Key link to download the key.


        Alternatively, you can download the Space Key by selecting Administration > Fabric and clicking the Manage Space SSH Key icon.

        After downloading the Space Key, log in to the SCP server and append the contents of the downloaded key file to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

      • To use a custom private key, click Custom Key.

        (Optional) In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase created when you generated the private key.

        Next to the Private Key field, click the Browse button to upload the private key.

    6. (Optional) In the Fingerprint field, enter the fingerprint of the remote server.
  5. (Optional) Select the check box next to the SMTP Server label to configure Junos Space Network Management Platform to send the report to the email addresses you specify.

    To add Email recipients for reports:

    1. In the Email Address field, enter the e-mail address.
    2. Click Add.

      You can add multiple e-mail addresses if you want the report to be delivered to multiple e-mail addresses.

  6. Click the Schedule at a later time check box and specify the date and time to generate the report automatically.

    If a report generation is already scheduled for later using password mode, in order to use Space Key or Custom Key, you must cancel the existing scheduled task and reschedule it using the authentication mode of your choice.

    If a report generation is already scheduled for later using Custom Key and if the key has changed, you must cancel the existing scheduled task and reschedule it using the updated key.

  7. Click the Recurrence check box and specify the frequency at which to generate the report.

    You can select any of the following options: minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly as per your requirement.


    The monthly option further provides two more options to select either the last day of a month or a particular day in a month .

  8. Click Generate.

    The Generated Report Job Information dialog box appears, displaying the job ID. Click the job ID to view the job details on the Job Management page.

  9. Click OK to close the Generated Report Job Information dialog box.

    The reports you generated or scheduled are listed on the Generated Reports page. You can view, download, or print the reports.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

You can select the authentication mode for saving reports to SCP server from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 17.1R1 onward.