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Understanding Tenant Systems for SRX Series Firewalls

Tenant systems for SRX Series Firewalls enable you to partition a single device into secure contexts. Each tenant system has its own discrete administrative domain, tenant interfaces, routing instances, security firewall and other security features. By transforming an SRX Series Firewall into a multitenant systems device, you can give various departments, organizations, customers, and partners–depending on your environment–private use of portions of its resources and a private view of the device. Using tenant systems, you can share system and underlying physical machine resources among discrete user tenant systems and the primary tenant system. The tenant systems feature runs with the Junos operating system (Junos OS) on SRX1400, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices.

For detailed information about understanding and configuring tenant systems for SRX series services gateways, see Logical Systems and Tenant Systems User Guide for Security Device.