clear security gtp counters
clear security gtp counters <all | data-packet | error | ha | message <message-name> | packet | request | tunnel | path-rate-limit>
Use this command to clear all or specified GTP counters on the device.
From Junos OS Release 20.4R1 onwards, clear security gprs gtp
is replaced by clear security gtp
all—Clears all GTP counters.
data-packet—Clears GTP-U data packet counters.
error—Clears GTP error counters.
ha—Clears GTP HA counters.
message message-name—Clears GTP message counters.
packet—Clears GTP packet counters.
request—Clears GTP request counters.
tunnel—Clears GTP tunnel counters.
path-rate-limit—Clears path-rate-limit counters.
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.
Sample Output
- clear security gtp counters all
- clear security gtp counters data-packet
- clear security gtp counters error
- clear security gtp counters ha
- clear security gtp counters message v0-create-aa-pdp-req
- clear security gtp counters packet
- clear security gtp counters request
- clear security gtp counters tunnel
- clear security gtp counters path-rate-limit
clear security gtp counters all
user@host> clear security gtp counters all All GTP counters have been cleared
clear security gtp counters data-packet
user@host> clear security gtp counters data-packet All GTP-U data packet counters have been cleared
clear security gtp counters error
user@host> clear security gtp counters error GTP error counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters ha
user@host> clear security gtp counters ha GTP HA counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters message v0-create-aa-pdp-req
user@host> clear security gtp counters message v0-create-aa-pdp-req GTPv0 create AA PDP request message counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters packet
user@host> clear security gtp counters packet GTP packet counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters request
user@host> clear security gtp counters request GTP request counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters tunnel
user@host> clear security gtp counters tunnel GTP tunnel counter has been cleared
clear security gtp counters path-rate-limit
user@host> clear security gtp counters path-rate-limit GTP path-rate-limit counter has been cleared
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.