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show ancp statistics



Display statistics for all ANCP neighbors (access nodes) or the specified ANCP neighbor.



Display statistics for all ANCP neighbors, including global statistics not show for individual neighbors.

ip-address ip-address

(Optional) Display statistics for only the neighbor with the specified IP address.

system-name mac-address

(Optional) Display statistics for only the neighbor with the specified MAC address.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ancp statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ancp statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Number of neighbors

Total count of ANCP neighbors.

Number of subscribers

Total count of ANCP subscribers.

Accept Count

Number of neighbor TCP/IP sessions accepted on listener socket.

Accept Fail Count

Number of neighbor TCP/IP sessions that failed due to one of the following causes: session already exists, maximum number of ANCP connections exceeded, creation of session or neighbor failed, or protocol start failed.

No Config Accept Deny Count

Number of neighbor TCP/IP sessions that failed because the neighbor was not configured.

Received Syn Count

Number of synchronization messages received from neighbors to maintain adjacencies.

Received Synack Count

Number of synchronization acknowledgment messages received from neighbors in response to the node’s synchronization messages.

Received Rstack Count

Number of messages received from neighbors indicating that the link to the neighbor needs to be reset.

Received Ack Count

Number of acknowledgment messages periodically received from neighbors after an adjacency has been established.

Received Port Up Count

Number of status messages received from neighbors indicating that a port has transitioned to the up state.

Received Port Down Count

Number of status messages received from neighbors indicating that a port has transitioned to the down state.

Received Generic Resp Count

Number of generic response messages received from neighbors.

Received Adjacency Update Count

Number of adjacency update messages received from neighbors.

Received OAM Count

Number of OAM responses received from neighbors in reply to request commands.

Received Other Count

Number of all other ANCP message packets received from neighbors that do not fit into one of the other categories.

Sent Syn Count

Number of synchronization messages sent to neighbors to maintain adjacencies.

Sent Synack Count

Number of synchronization acknowledgment messages sent to neighbors in response to the their synchronization messages.

Sent Rstack Count

Number of messages sent to neighbors indicating that the link to the neighbor needs to be reset.

Sent Ack Count

Number of acknowledgment messages periodically sent to neighbors after an adjacency has been established.

Sent Generic Resp Count

Number of generic response messages sent to neighbors.

Sent OAM Count

Number of OAM request commands sent to neighbors.

Result Codes

Number of generic response messages sent to neighbors that include each of the following result codes:

  • Invalid Request Message Count—A properly formed request messages violated the protocol because of timing (such as a race condition) or direction of transmission.

  • Specified Port(s) Down Count—One or more of the specified ports are down because of a state mismatch between the router and an ANCP control application.

  • Out of Resources Count—the ANCP agent is out of resources, probably not related to the access lines. This result code is sent only by an access node.

  • Request Msg Not Implemented Count

  • Malformed Msg Count—Message is malformed because it was corrupted in transit or there was an implementation error at either end of the connection.

  • TLV Missing Count—One or more mandatory TLVs was missing from a request.

  • Invalid TLV Contents Count—The contents of one or more TLVs in the request do not match its required specification.

  • Non-Existent Port(s) Count—One or more of the ports specified in a request do not exist, possibly because of a configuration mismatch between the access node and the router or AAA.

Port Down Count

Port-down count sent due to protocol triggered port-downs. Port-down count due to adjacency loss.
Port Up Count Port-up count sent due to protocol triggered port-ups.
Port Reset Count Port reset count (which is port down and up) on issue of clear ancp access-loop command.
Orphan Neighbor Statistics

Count of adjacency losses occurred for neighbor.

IP Address – IP address of the orphan neighbor.

Orphan Timeout Time – Timestamp of adjacency loss and EOF (end of file / TCP FIN) received from the neighbor.

Port Down Count – Port-down count sent due to protocol triggered port-downs. Port-down count due to adjacency loss.

Sample Output

show ancp statistics

show ancp statistics ip-address

show ancp statistics system-name

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3.