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show security ipsec statistics



Display standard IPsec statistics.


  • none—Display statistics about all IPsec security associations (SAs).

  • fpc slot-number —Specific to SRX Series Firewalls. Display statistics about existing IPsec SAs in this Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) slot. This option is used to filter the output.

  • index SA-index-number —(Optional) Display statistics for the SA with this index number.

  • srg-id id-number —(Optional) Display information related to a specific services redundancy group (SRG) in a Multinode High Availability setup.

  • pic slot-number —Specific to SRX Series Firewalls. Display statistics about existing IPsec SAs in this PIC slot. This option is used to filter the output.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show security ipsec statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show security ipsec statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


The root system.

ESP Statistics

  • Encrypted bytes—Total number of bytes encrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Decrypted bytes—Total number of bytes decrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Encrypted packets—Total number of packets encrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Decrypted packets—Total number of packets decrypted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

AH Statistics

  • Input bytes—Total number of bytes received by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Output bytes—Total number of bytes transmitted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Input packets—Total number of packets received by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.

  • Output packets—Total number of packets transmitted by the local system across the IPsec tunnel.


  • AH authentication failures—Total number of authentication header (AH) failures. An AH failure occurs when there is a mismatch of the authentication header in a packet transmitted across an IPsec tunnel.

  • Replay errors—Total number of replay errors. A replay error is generated when a duplicate packet is received within the replay window.

  • ESP authentication failures—Total number of Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) failures. An ESP failure occurs when there is an authentication mismatch in ESP packets.

  • ESP decryption failures—total number of ESP decryption errors.

  • Bad headers—Total number of invalid headers detected.

  • Bad trailers—Total number of invalid trailers detected.

  • Invalid SPI— Total number of invalid SPIs packets detected.

  • TS check fail— Total number of TS check fail detected.

  • Discarded— Total number of discarded packets detected.

Multi-sa tunnel statistics

  • FC-name—Forwarding class name for the child security association.

  • Encrypted pkts—Total number of encrypted packets for a forwarding class.

  • Encrypted bytes—Total encrypted bytes for a forwarding class.
  • Decrypted pkts—Total number of encrypted packets for a forwarding class.

  • Decrypted bytes—Total encrypted bytes for a forwarding class.

Sample Output

show security ipsec statistics

show security ipsec statistics index 131073

Starting with Junos OS Release 18.2R1, the CLI show security ipsec statistics index 131073 index-number output displays statistics for each forwarding class name.

show security ipsec statistics fpc 6 pic 1 (SRX Series Firewalls)

show security ipsec statistics (MX-SPC3)

Starting with Junos OS Release 21.3R1, a new field Tunnel MTU in the output of the CLI show security ipsec statistics displays the option configured under ipsec vpn hub-to-spoke-vpn tunnel-mtu hierarchy.

show security ipsec statistics srg-id <srg-id>

show security ipsec statistics (MX304)

show security ipsec statistics index <index-number> (forwarding class details)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5. fpc and pic options added in Junos OS Release 9.3.

Support for the ha-link-encryption option added in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.

Support for the srg-id option added in Junos OS Release 22.4R1.