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show system subscriber-management statistics



Display statistics for the specified option. You can customize the output by including one or more optional filters in the command. With the exception of the extensive option, all filter options can be combined in a single command.



(Optional) Display packet statistics for all protocols.


(Optional) Display DHCP packet statistics.


(Optional) Display DVLAN packet statistics.


(Optional) Display fixed wireless access packet statistics.


(Optional) Display L2TP packet statistics.


(Optional) Display PPP packet statistics.


(Optional) Display PPPoE packet statistics.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system subscriber-management statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system subscriber-management statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Rx Statistics

Statistics for packets received.

Tx Statistics

Statistics for packets sent.

Enhanced I/O Statistics

Statistics for visibility into packet drops from the queue.

Error Statistics

Includes connection packets, flow control, and messages and packets sent to and received from the daemon.

ERA discards

Event Rate Analyzer discards. For DHCP and PPPoE in advanced subscriber management, ERA packet discard counts are included for Discover, Solicit, and PADI packets .

Layer 3 Statistics

Statistics for Layer 3 packets.


PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) packets.

PADI is the first step in the PPPoE establishment protocol.


PPPoE Active Discovery Request packets.


Point-to-Point Protocol packets.

router solicitations

Number of router solicitations sent or received.

Router solicitations are sent to prompt all on-link routers to send it router advertisements.

router advertisements

Number of router advertisements sent or received.

route solicit response packet

Number of router solicitation responses sent or received.

Sample Output

The following examples displays packet statistics accumulated for DHCP, hybrid access, and PPPoE since the last time the session manager was cleared.

show system subscriber-management statistics all

show system subscriber-management statistics dhcp

show system subscriber-management statistics dhcp extensive

show system subscriber-management statistics pppoe

show system subscriber-management statistics extensive

show system subscriber-management statistics ppp (LCP Vendor-Specific Counters)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1R3.

Enhanced I/O Statistics introduced as part of Extensive output in Junos OS Release 15.1R4 on MX Series routers for enhanced subscriber management.