accounting-options { class-usage-profile profile-name { file filename; interval minutes; destination-classes { destination-class-name; } source-classes { source-class-name; } } cleanup-interval days; file filename { archive-sites { site-name; } backup-on-failure (master-and-slave | master-only); compress; files number; nonpersistent; push-backup-to-master; size bytes; start-time time; transfer-interval minutes; } filter-profile profile-name { counters { counter-name; } file filename; interval minutes; } flat-file-profile profile-name{ fields { all-fields; egress-stats { all-fields; input-bytes; input-packets; output-bytes; output-packets; queue-id; red-drop-bytes; red-drop-packets; tail-drop-packets; total-drop-packets; } general-param { all-fields; accounting-type; descr; line-id; logical-interface; nas-port-id; physical-interface; routing-instance; timestamp; user-name; vlan-id; } ingress-stats { all-fields; drop-packets; input-bytes; input-packets; output-bytes; output-packets; queue-id; } l2-stats { all-fields; input-mcast-bytes; input-mcast-packets; } overall-packet { all-fields; input-bytes; input-discards; input-errors; input-packets; inputv6-bytes; inputv6-packets; output-bytes; output-errors; output-packets; outputv6-bytes; outputv6-packets; input-v4-bytes; input-v4-packets; output-v4-bytes; output-v4-packets; input-bytes-per-sec; input-packets-per-sec; } service-accounting; } file filename; format (csv | ipdr) interval minutes; schema-version schema-name; } interface-profile profile-name { allow-clear; fields { field-name; } file filename; interval minutes; } mib-profile profile-name { file filename; interval seconds; object-names { mib-object-name; } operation operation-name; } routing-engine-profile profile-name { fields { field-name; } file filename; interval minutes; } detailed-transit-interface-stats enable; }
Hierarchy Level
Configure options for accounting statistics collection.
Required Privilege Level
snmp—To view this statement in the configuration.
snmp-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.