fpc (M320, T320 and T640 Devices)
fpc slot-number { fpc slot slot-number { pfe pfe-instance { temp-perf-throttle-disable; temp-volt-reduction-disable; power (off | on); } { error { [fatal | major | minor] { threshold threshold-value; action (alarm | disable-pfe | offline-pic | log | get-state |offline | reset | trap | offline-pfe | reset-pfe); } } optical-options { expansion-card { fpc fpc-slot; } express-in { fpc fpc-slot; } tca tca-identifier (enable-tca | no-enable-tca) (threshold number | threshold-24hrs number) ; wavelength nm{ switch interface-name{ } wss-express-in fpc-slot; } } } pic pic-number { ce1 { e1 port-number { channel-group group-number timeslots slot-number; } } ct3 { port port-number { t1 link-number { channel-group group-number timeslots slot-number; } } } framing (sdh | sonet); idle-cell-format { itu-t; payload-pattern payload-pattern-byte; } max-queues-per-interface (8 | 4); no-concatenate; q-pic-large-buffer (large-scale | small-scale); } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit chassis]
Configure properties for the PICs in individual Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs).
—Slot number in which the FPC is
Range: M320, T640, T1600, T4000, and PTX5000 , PTX10008 routers: 0 through 7. On PTX1000 routers, the FPC number is always 0.
Range: PTX3000 routers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
—Slot number in which the PFE is installed.
The remaining statements are explained separately.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Error statement introduced for PTX Series routers in Junos OS Release 13.3.