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Understanding CoS Two-Color Marking

Networks police traffic by limiting the input or output transmission rate of a class of traffic on the basis of user-defined criteria. Policing traffic allows you to control the maximum rate of traffic sent or received on an interface and to partition a network into multiple priority levels or classes of service.

Policers require you to apply limits to the traffic flow and set a consequence for packets that exceed these limits—usually a higher loss priority, so that packets exceeding the policer limits are discarded first.

Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches support a single-rate two-color marking type of policer, which is a simplified version of Single-Rate-Three-Color marking, defined in RFC 2697, A Single Rate Three Color Marker. This type of policer meters traffic based on the configured committed information rate (CIR) and committed burst size (CBS).

The single-rate two-color marker meters traffic and marks incoming packets depending on whether they are smaller than the committed burst size (CBS)—marked green—or exceed it— marked red.

The single-rate two-color marking policer operates in color-blind mode. In this mode, the policer's actions are not affected by any previous marking or metering of the examined packets. In other words, the policer is “blind? to any previous coloring a packet might have had.