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Configuring a GRE Tunnel to Copy ToS Bits to the Outer IP Header

Unlike IP-IP tunnels, GRE tunnels do not copy the ToS bits to the outer IP header by default. To copy the inner ToS bits to the outer IP header (which is required for some tunneled routing protocols) on packets sent by the Routing Engine, include the copy-tos-to-outer-ip-header statement at the logical unit hierarchy level of a GRE interface. To copy the inner ToS bits to the outer IP header on packets transiting the device (MX Series routers with MPCs only), include the copy-tos-to-outer-ip-header-transit statement at the logical unit hierarchy level of a GRE interface.

To copy the inner ToS bits to the outer IP header on a GRE tunnel:

  • Specify the interface on which to enable the inner IP header’s ToS bits to be copied to the outer IP packet header

You can also copy the inner ToS bits to the outer IP header on packets transiting the device on a global basis for all GRE interfaces on MPCs by including the copy-tos-to-outer service-type gre statement at the [edit chassis] hierarchy level. This statement affects all GRE interfaces on MPCs and takes precedence over the copy-tos-to-outer-ip-header-transit statement. Once committed, this configuration statement only affects new gr- interfaces. To affect an existing gr- interface, you must delete and re-add the interface.

To verify that this option is enabled at the interface level, use the show interfaces interface-name detail command.