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Upgrading Junos OS and Satellite Software in an Operational Junos Fusion Enterprise with Dual Aggregation Devices

You may have to upgrade Junos OS on the aggregation devices in your Junos Fusion Enterprise after initial setup.

To ensure consistent behavior and feature support in your Junos Fusion Enterprise, we strongly recommend that both aggregation devices—and both Routing Engines in the aggregation devices—run the same version of Junos OS.

Satellite software should also be upgraded after the Junos OS upgrade to ensure it is compatible with the upgraded Junos OS.

We recommend following this procedure to upgrade Junos OS in a Junos Fusion Enterprise using a dual aggregation device topology:

  1. Upgrade the Junos OS software on the backup Routing Engine of one of the aggregation devices. Do not reboot the backup Routing Engine to complete the upgrade at this point of the procedure.

    See Junos Fusion Hardware and Software Compatibility Matrices for software compatibility information and to retrieve Junos OS images for EX9200 switches that can act as aggregation devices in a Junos Fusion Enterprise.

    This step is performed in this example by showing an upgrade to 17.2R1 with a Junos OS image that is installed in the local /var/tmp folder. See Understanding Software Installation on EX Series Switches for information on other procedures that can be used to upgrade Junos OS running on a Routing Engine on an EX9200 switch.

  2. Upgrade the Junos OS software on the primary Routing Engine of the same aggregation device. Do not reboot the primary Routing Engine to complete the upgrade at this point of the procedure.
  3. After steps 1 and 2 are completed successfully, reboot both Routing Engines simultaneously:
  4. Repeat the same procedure on the other aggregation device:
  5. After all Routing Engines on both aggregation devices have rebooted to complete the Junos OS upgrade, upgrade the satellite software on all satellite devices to the satellite software version that is compatible with the Junos OS running on the aggregation devices.

    To identify the version of satellite software that works with the new version of Junos OS, see Junos Fusion Hardware and Software Compatibility Matrices.

    To install the new version of satellite software, see Installing Satellite Software and Adding Satellite Devices to the Junos Fusion and Modifying the Satellite Software Used by a Satellite Software Upgrade Group.