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[OBSOLETE] Show chassis system-mode



Displays the current system mode configuration on the switch. For EX4300-48MP the command, displays the current systemmode configured, for either the default mode or the current operating speed, 2x100G mode, for the switch.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis system-mode command.

Table 1: Output Fields for show chassis system-mode

Field Name

Field Description

Current System-Mode Configuration

Existing system operating mode for the device. For EX4300-48MP, the device can be in the default mode, or the 2x100G operating mode.

Sample Output

show chassis system-mode (EX4300-48MP)

show chassis system-mode (mode - 2x100G on EX4300-48MP)

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 19.3R1.