Understanding IS-IS Subscribe Configuration
You can access the segment-routing or spring sensor-based traffic statistics stored in the Packet Forwarding Engine using the sensor ID on the FPC command line. Accessing each FPC to fetch the traffic statistics involves multiple task.
You can now easily record the recent spring sensor-based traffic statistics at the
[edit protocols isis source-packet-routing]
hierarchy level. Use the
following set configuration statements to trigger the on-box spring sensor subscription
process and record detailed sensor-based traffic
[edit protocols isis source-packet-routing] user@host#set sensor-based-stats per-interface-per-member-link <ingress> | <egress> [edit protocols isis source-packet-routing] user@host#set sensor-based-stats per-sid <ingress> | <egress> [edit protocols isis source-packet-routing] user@host#set sensor-based-stats subscribe interval interval
The spring sensor-based subscribe configuration creates a connection with network-agent
and subscribes to the configured sensor path. The sensor path is installed in the Packet
Forwarding Engine where the telemetry sensor-based data is stored.
The telemetry process keeps track of the latest
updates received on each subscribed sensor. The show spring traffic
command displays the traffic statistics information streamed from
the Packet Forwarding Engine.
Easy access to spring sensor-based traffic statistics is possible on enabling
subscribe interval interval