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Set Up the JET VM


Install the JET bundle on an external device before developing or running JET applications. The JET bundle includes the JET toolchain, plug-ins, and other tools and libraries that are required for developing on-device or off-device applications. Once you install the JET toolchain on your external device, the device functions as your JET virtual machine (VM).

If you are developing an application with a dependency on C or C++ modules or developing a signed application, you must use the JET VM for JET application development.

Follow these instructions to download the following packages on your external device:

  • JET software bundle: This contains the JET sandbox and toolchain file.

    In the junos-jet-XX.YRZ.S.tar.gz package name:

    • XX is the main release number of the product, for example, 21.

    • Y is the minor release number of the product, for example, 2.

    • R is the type of software release, for example, R for FRS or maintenance release.

    • Z is the build number of the product, for example, 1, indicating the FRS rather than a maintenance release.

    • S is the spin number of the product, for example, 13.

  • JET client IDL library: This contains the protobuf definition files for the JET APIs. You can also view them on the JET GitHub repository.

Install the JET Software Bundle

Install JET on an external device that will function as your JET VM. This task walks you through how to install JET on a device running Ubuntu.
  1. Download the JET software bundle onto your external device from the Juniper Networks downloads website. In this example, we downloaded the software bundle for JET Release 21.4R2.
  2. Open a Terminal, Command, or similar window on your device. Confirm the file downloaded.
  3. Extract the file.
  4. View the contents of the extracted file.
  5. Install the package. Use the ./install command if you are logged in as the root user. If you are logged in as a different user, use the sudo ./install command. If using the sudo ./install command, you are prompted to enter the password for your account.

    The output in this example has been snipped for length.

    The JET sandbox and toolchain are installed on your device. This device now functions as your JET VM.

Set Up Your Virtual Machine Environment

To set the PATH variable and prepare the JET VM:

  1. Open a Terminal window in the JET VM.
  2. Add the absolute path to the /junos-jet-XX.YRZ.S.tar.gz/bin directory to the PATH variable in .bashrc.
  3. Run the following command to display the JET XX.YRZ.S.tar.gz path in the output:
  4. Run the env command to ensure the PATH variable contains the directory path you just added.

You are ready to develop applications in the JET VM.

Download the JET IDL

  1. Download the IDL file onto your device from the Juniper Networks downloads website.
  2. Make a directory on your device to store the proto definition files.
  3. Confirm the IDL file downloaded.
  4. Unzip the IDL file into the directory you created.
  5. Confirm the file unzipped properly.
  6. You can view the most recent JET API proto definition files in the folder called 2.

    You have downloaded the IDL file successfully. It is ready to use.

Prepare to Compile the Proto Definition Files in Python

If you are using Python, you need to install certain gRPC tools before you can compile the proto definition files in Python. These steps are also described on the Quick Start page on the gRPC site.

  1. (Optional) Activate a virtual environment.
  2. Check you have the desired versions of Python and Pip installed. If you do not have them installed, install them now.
  3. Install gRPC if it is not already installed.

    If gRPC is already installed, you will see this message:

  4. Install gRPC tools if it is not already installed.

    You are ready to compile the IDL files you need to develop your application.