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Upgrading the Junos OS on NFX Devices

To upgrade the Junos OS version on NFX150, NFX250 NextGen, and NFX350 devices:

  1. Download the software package from the Downloads page to the /var/public directory on the NFX device.

  2. Verify the Junos OS version that is currently installed on the device. The following sample output for NFX250 NextGen shows that Junos OS Release 22.3R2.12 is installed on the device.

    You can use the show vmhost version detail command to view the Junos OS version that is installed on the disk partitions. Note that the NFX150 and NFX250 NextGen have a single disk with two partitions whereas the NFX350 has dual disks that provide four partitions.

    Here's a sample output for an NFX250 NextGen device. You'll notice that the primary partition is the active partition.

  3. Upgrade the Junos OS by using the request vmhost software command.

    If you run the show vmhost version command now, you notice that the software version still shows 22.3R2.12. Note that the status of the alternate partition indicates that the new Junos OS version is staged on the alternate partition.

  4. Reboot the device to load the new version of Junos OS on the device.

  5. After the device reboots, verify the status of the disk partitions. The following output shows that the image on the alternate partition is upgraded. The alternate partition is the active partition now.

To upgrade the release to the same version on all the disk partitions, see Upgrading Dual-Disk Partitions on NFX250 NextGen and NFX350 Devices.