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Compressing Troubleshooting Logs from /var/logs to Send to Juniper Networks Technical Support



You have collected logs on your device and need to send them to Juniper Networks Technical Support. This topic shows you how to compress the logs into a single file for each Routing Engine to more conveniently send the logs.


You can compress all the log files in the /var/log directories of the primary and backup (if present) Routing Engines into a single tgz file for each Routing Engine, which enables you to send the logs to JTAC in a convenient package. You can use either the CLI or the command shell to perform these tasks; because of its ease of use, only the CLI version is shown here.

  1. Access the device through the management IP address or console, typically on the primary Routing Engine, RE0.

  2. Archive and compress all the log files on RE0 and put them in /var/tmp.

  3. Confirm that the compressed archive file has been created.

    On devices with a single Routing Engine, skip to Step 10.

  4. Log in to the backup Routing Engine, RE1, and access the CLI.


    1 is appended to the hostname in the prompt to signify that you are on RE1.

  5. Archive and compress all the log files on RE1 and put them in /var/tmp.

  6. Confirm that the compressed archive file has been created.

  7. Exit the remote login to the backup Routing Engine to return to the primary Routing Engine. Note that the previously appended 1 is removed from the hostname in the prompt to signify that you are back on RE0.

  8. Copy the compressed archive file from RE1 to RE0.

  9. Confirm the presence of the copied file.

  10. Copy the files directly from the primary Routing Engine to any local host using FTP, SCP, JWEB, or (on some devices) a mounted USB.