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Mapping OpenConfig LDP Commands to Junos Configuration


See OpenConfig Data Model Version topic to understand the data models supported version and its Junos OS release for Juniper Networks MX Series and PTX Series.

The tables below show the mappings of LDP commands with the relevant configurations in Junos.

Global LDP Configuration

See Table 1 for configuration mappings of the following sensor:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/config/lsr-id
Table 1: Global LDP Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration


ldp {
     global {
          config {
               lsr-id <>;
ldp { 
    transport-address <>;

For the LSR ID in OpenConfig, the transport address can be set as either the interface ID, router ID, or any other ID. This is only for single transport.

Interface Configuration

See Table 2 for configuration mappings of the following sensors:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/interface-attributes/interfaces/interface/config/interface-id
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/interface-attributes/interfaces/interface/config/hello-holdtime
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/interface-attributes/interfaces/interface/config/hello-interval
Table 2: Interface Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration

interface ID

ldp {
     interface-attributes {
          interface <> {
               config {
                    interface-id ge-0/0/2.0;
ldp { 
    interface <>;

hello holdtime

ldp { 
     interface-attributes {
          interface <>/all {
               config {
                    hello-holdtime <>;
ldp { 
     interface <>/all {
          hello-holdtime <>;     

hello interval

ldp { 
     interface-attributes {
          interface <>/all {
               config {
                    hello-interval <>;
ldp { 
     interface <>/all {
          hello-interval <>;     

Graceful Restart Configuration

See Table 3 for configuration mappings of the following sensors:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/graceful-restart/config/enabled
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/graceful-restart/config/reconnect-time
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/graceful-restart/config/recovery-time
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/graceful-restart/config/helper-enable
Table 3: Graceful Restart Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration


ldp {
     graceful-restart {
          config {
               enabled <true/false>;
ldp { 
     graceful-restart {

By default, graceful restart is disabled in the OC configuration. To enable gracefule restart, set enable to true.


ldp {
     graceful-restart {
          config {
               reconnect-time <>;
ldp { 
     graceful-restart {
          reconnect-time <>;


ldp {
     graceful-restart {
          config {
               recovery-time <>;
ldp { 
     graceful-restart {
          recovery-time <>;


ldp {
     graceful-restart {
          config {
               helper-disable <>;
ldp { 
     graceful-restart {
          helper-disable <>;

Authentication Configuration

See Table 4 for configuration mappings of the following sensors:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/authentication/config/authentication-key
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/global/authentication/config/enable
Table 4: Authentication Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration


ldp {
     authentication {
          config {
               authentication-key <>;
ldp { 
     session-group {
          authentication-key <>;

Authentication key configuration is not available at the global level. Use session group for global configuration.


ldp {
     authentication {
          config {
               enable <true/false>;
ldp { 
     session-group {
          inactive; authentication-key <>;

In OC configuration, the authentication key will be activated when enable is set to true. In JUNOS configuration, authentication key will be inactive by default.

Targeted LDP Configuration

See Table 5 for configuration mappings of the following sensors:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/targeted/config/hello-interval
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/targeted/config/hello-holdtime
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/targeted/config/hello-accept
Table 5: Targeted LDP Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration


ldp {
     targeted {
          config {
               hello-interval <>;
ldp { 
     targeted-hello {
          hello-interval <>;


ldp {
     targeted {
          config {
               hello-holdtime <>;
ldp { 
     targeted-hello {
          hold-time <>;


ldp {
     targeted {
          config {
ldp { 

LDP Neighbor Configuration

See Table 6 for configuration mappings of the following sensors:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/neighbors/neighbor/
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/neighbors/neighbor/authentication/config/enable
  • /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/ldp/neighbors/neighbor/authentication/config/authentication-key
Table 6: LDP Neighbor Configuration

Command Name

OpenConfig configuration

Junos Configuration


ldp {
    neighbors {
         neighbor <id><label-space-id>;
ldp { 
    session <neighbor-id>;

For neighbour ID, the neighbor IP address and label space ID are the keys. Label space ID should be zero. Non-zero values will be treated as zeros.


ldp {
    neighbors {
         neighbor <> {
              authentication {
                   config {
                        enable <true/false>;

ldp { 
    session  <> {
        inactive: authentication-key <>;


ldp {
    neighbors {
         neighbor <> {
              authentication {
                   config {
                        authentication-key <>;

ldp { 
    session-group <> {
        authentication-key <>;