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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Release 22.1R1 for QFX Series switches.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.


  • When you upgrade from Junos OS Release 21.2 and earlier version to the later version, validation and upgrade fails. You must use the no-validate command to upgrade. PR1568757

Platform and Infrastructure

  • On QFX5100 switches, NSSU from the previous verion of Junos OS Releases with the Broadcom SDK 6.3.x to the new Junos OS Releases with the Broadcom SDK 6.5.x might not work. As a workaround, perform normal upgrade from the previous release to the new release. PR1496765

  • On QFX5000 switches in the EVPN_VXLAN deployment, the BUM traffic replication over VTEP might send out more packets than expected. PR1570689

  • On QFX5000 switches, the IRACL filters cannot match on the VXLAN tunnel terminated packets. PR1594319

  • On QFX5000 switches, you must configure only one static arp with multicast-mac entry per the IRB interface. If you configure more than one static arp with multicast MAC entry per the IRB interface, the packets with different destination IP with static multicast MAC goes out with any one of the multicast MAC configured in the system. PR1621901

  • On QFX5120-48Y switches, Junos OS does not support the unified ISSU if there is a change in the chipset SDKs between the releases. This limitation is due to the change in the firmware that leads to the chip reset causing ISSU impact. The versions in the chipset SDKs must be the same between the two Junos OS releases for ISSU to work. PR1634695