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What’s Changed in Release 22.1R1

Platform and Infrastructure

  • Include IPv6 address in a self-signed certificate (SRX Series devices and vSRX3.0)— We support manual generation of a self-signed certificate for the given distinguished name using IPv6 address in addition to the IPv4 address that was supported earlier. Use the request security pki local-certificate generate-self-signed command with ipv6-address option to include ipv6 address in a self-signed certificate.


  • Save User Credentials on Juniper Secure Connect Application (SRX Series and vSRX)—As a system administrator, you can now allow a user to save username or username and password for easy access:

    • using set client-config name credentials usernameoption at the edit security remote-access hierarchy level to save the username.

    • using set client-config name credentials passwordoption at the edit security remote-access hierarchy level to save both the username and password.

    Note that you cannot configure both username and password options at the same time. If you have not configured any of the credentials configuration options, then the application does not remember the user credentials.

    [See client-config (Juniper Secure Connect) and Juniper Secure Connect Application Overview.]