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What's Changed in Release 22.4R2


  • Commit error if interconnect and local route distinguishers have the same value—On EVPN data center interconnect (DCI) gateway devices, if you configure an interconnect RD at the edit routing-instances name protocols evpn interconnect hierarchy, the interconnect RD must be different from the local RD in the routing instance. If you try to configure the same value for the interconnect RD and the local RD in a routing instance, the device enforces this requirement by throwing a commit error. However, with DCI seamless stitching for EVPN Type 5 routes, you don't see the commit error prior to this release. Starting in this release, the device throws the commit error to enforce this condition for DCI stitching with Type 5 routes.

    [See route-distinguisher.]

  • Specify the UDP source port in a ping overlay or traceroute overlay operation—In Junos OS releases prior to 22.4R1, you could not configure the udp source port in a ping overlay or traceroute overlay operation. You may now configure this value in an EVPN-VXLAN environment using hash. The configuration option hash will override any other hash-* options that may be used to determine the source port value.

General Routing

  • In the past inet6flow.0 was not allowed to be a primary rib in a rib-group. Starting with Release 22.3 this is now allowed.

  • Label for the hours unit of time displayed in output — When there are zero minutes in the output for the show system uptime command, the label for the hours unit of time is displayed.

    [See show system uptime.]

  • Label-switched interface (LSI) delay during reboot (ACX Series) — Rebooting ACX Series routers running Junos OS Evolved with a class-of-service routing-instance configuration might encounter errors due to a delay with the label-switched interface (LSI). LSI state information has been added to the output of the show route instance command to assist in the analysis of such errors.

    [See show route instance.]

  • The connectivity fault management process (cfmd) runs only when the ethernet connectivity-fault-management protocol is configured.

  • The packet rate and byte rate fields for LSP sensors on AFT (with the legacy path) have been renamed as jnx-packet-rate and jnx-byte-rate and is in parity with the UKERN behavior. Previously, these rate fields were named as packetRate and byteRate.

Junos XML API and Scripting

  • Ability to commit extension-service file configuration when application file is unavailable—When you set the optional option at the edit system extension extension-service application file file-name hierarchy level, the operating system can commit the configuration even if the file is not available at the /var/db/scripts/jet file path.

    [See file (JET).]

  • Ability to restart restart daemonized applications—Use the request extension-service restart-daemonize-app application-name command to restart a daemonized application running on a Junos device. Restarting the application can assist you with debugging and troubleshooting.

    [See request extension-service restart-daemonize-app.]

Network Management and Monitoring

  • operator login class is restricted from viewing NETCONF trace files that are no-world-readable (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—When you configure NETCONF tracing options at the [edit system services netconf traceoptions] hierarchy level and you restrict file access to the file owner by setting or omitting the no-world-readable statement (the default), users assigned to the operator login class do not have permissions to view the trace file.

Platform and Infrastructure

  • The ping host | display xml validate command validates XML without error (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)— In Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved releases prior to 22.4R2, the ping host | display xml validate command results in CRITICAL ERROR: Root tag name mismatch. Expected ping-results, got run-command. The command now validates the XML successfully without error.

    [See ping.]