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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in this release for QFX Series switches.

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General Routing

  • QFX5000 platforms can support DF only at port level granularity (In other words, for all evpn instances hosted on an ESI, only one of the Multihomed QFX5000 nodes can be DF). The following configurations are recommended have df-granularity (with which QFX5000 platforms seem to have been qualified). Here, few bytes from esi value, instead of vlan-id are used for MOD-based DF. You can also use preference-based DF election.PR1672383

  • On QFX10008, statistics for multicast packets is not as expected as the packets has L2 header stripped during replication in Packet Forwarding Engine because of which it is not forwarded to the next hop. PR1678723