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  • PCEP multipath support for SR-TE (MX480, PTX10008, and QFX5200)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, you can configure the multipath feature (primary or secondary paths) for Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) segment routing-traffic engineering (SR-TE) as defined in draft-ietf-pce-multipath-06. We support the following multipath capabilities:

    • When the PCEP multipath feature is enabled, you can configure multiple primary or secondary paths in a candidate path that you configure and control using Path Computation Client (PCC).Note that the PCEP multipath feature is enabled by default.

    • When the PCEP multipath feature is disabled, you can configure only one primary path in a candidate path. Note that a secondary path configuration is not allowed.

    The PCEP multipath feature removes the compute-profile restriction of 1 on the maximum number of segment lists (maximum-computed-segment-lists).


    When PCEP multipath is enabled, PCCD will not send constraints for PCC-controlled candidate paths.

    [See Configuring Multiple Paths for Path Computation Element Protocol SR-TE Overview.]