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Troubleshooting PPPoE Service Name Tables



A misconfiguration of a PPPoE service name table can prevent PPPoE services from being properly activated. Configuration options for PPPoE service name tables are simple, which should simplify discovering where a misconfiguration exists. PPPoE clients cannot connect if the service name table contains no match for the service name tag carried in the PADI packet.


The symptom of a service name table misconfiguration is that the client connection process stops at the negotiation stage and the PADI packets are ignored. You can use the show pppoe statistics command to examine the PPPoE packet counts for a problem.

When the service name table is properly configured, packets sent and received increment symmetrically. The following sample output shows a PADO sent count equal to the PADI received count, and PADS sent count equal to the PADR received count. This output indicates that the PPPoE negotiation is proceeding successfully and that the service name table is not misconfigured.

When the service name table is misconfigured, the output of the show pppoe statistics command indicates that the number of PADI packets received on the underlying interface is increasing, but the number of PADO packets sent remains at zero. The following sample output shows a PADI count of 100 and a PADO count of 0.

When you believe a misconfiguration exists, use the monitor traffic command on the underlying interface to determine which service name is being requested by the PPPoE client. The following sample output shows that the client is requesting Service1 in the service name tag.

You can then use the show pppoe service-name-tables command to determine whether you have misspelled the name of the service or perhaps not configured the service at all.


Typical misconfigurations appear in the service name table configurations.


Use the appropriate statements to correct the misconfiguration.