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Configure a PTP Member Clock

The client port that you configure can be a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) boundary or ordinary clock, depending on the configuration of the clock-mode statement at the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level. An ordinary or boundary client clock performs frequency and phase recovery based on received and requested timestamps from a primary clock—a reference or a boundary clock primary.


In ACX Series routers, the reference clock functionality is supported only on ACX500 router.

To configure a PTP client clock, complete the following tasks:

Configure the PTP Member Clock Parameters

To configure a PTP client clock.


The clock-class-to-quality-level-mapping quality-level, convert-clock-class-to-quality-level, and grant-duration statements are not supported on the QFX10002 switch.

  1. Configure the clock mode:
  2. Configure the client clock.
  3. (Optional) Specify the rate of announce messages that a PTP client requests from the primary during a unicast-negotiation session—from 0 through 4. The default value is 1.

    The configuration of the announce-interval statement is effective only when the unicast-negotiation statement is also configured at the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level.

  4. (Optional) Specify the number of announce messages that a client—configured on an ACX Series router—must miss before an announce timeout is declared—from 2 through 10. The default value is 3.
  5. (Optional) Override the default PTP clock class to Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC) mapping and specify the quality level for the PTP timing source.
  6. (Optional) Enable retrieval of ESMC information from the PTP clock class.
  7. (Optional) Specify the logarithmic mean interval in seconds between the delay request messages sent by the client to the primary—from –6 through 3. The default value is 0.
  8. (Optional) Specify the grant duration value. When unicast negotiation is enabled, the local PTP client requests announce, synchronization, and delay-response messages from the primary. In each request, the client asks for the packets to be sent at a specified rate and the client provides a duration for which the rate is valid. The grant-duration value is specified in seconds. The default grant duration is 300 seconds.
  9. Configure the interface for the client.

    For details about configuring the client interface, see Configure the PTP Member Clock Interface.

  10. (Optional) Configure the log mean interval between synchronization messages—from –6 through -3. The default value is –6 or 64 synchronous interval messages sent per second

After you have configured the PTP client clock parameters, enter the commit command from configuration mode. To complete the configuration of the client clock, complete Configure the PTP Member Clock Interface.

Configure the PTP Member Clock Interface

The client clock interface responds to the upstream PTP primary clock.

To configure the PTP client clock interface:

  1. Configure the interface for the client clock.

    On the QFX Series, you can configure an aggregated Ethernet interface and its configured IP address for PTP streams acting as slaves or primaries.

    For example, to configure a client using an aggregated Ethernet interface:


    On the QFX Series, you can configure a loopback interface (there is only one loopback interface, and it is lo0.0) and its corresponding IP addresses for PTP streams acting as slaves or primaries. Although the loopback interface is the same for both primaries and slaves, the IP addresses must be unique.

    For example, to configure a client using the loopback interface:

  2. Configure the upstream unicast PTP primary clock source parameters.
  3. Configure the IP address of the primary, which acts as a source of time for this client.

    To configure additional primary clock sources for the client, include the clock-source statement up to four times. However, synchronization is to only one primary clock.

  4. Specify the IP address of the interface acting as the local PTP client port.

    For the configuration to work, the interface you specify must be configured with this IP address at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.

  5. Configure the encapsulation type for PTP packet transport. This statement is mandatory.

After you have configured the PTP client clock interface, enter the commit command from configuration mode.