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Add a LT Logical Interface

You are here: Device Administration > Multi Tenancy > Interconnect Ports.

To add a LT logical interface:

  1. Click the add icon (+) available on the upper right side of the Interconnect Ports page.

    The Create LT Logical Interface page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.

    If you click OK, a new LT logical interface with the provided configuration is created.

Table 1 provides guidelines on using the fields on the Create LT Logical Interface page.

Table 1: Fields on the Create LT Logical Interface Page



Local Details


Enter the Logical unit number for interface.


Select a logical interface type from the list. The options available are Logical System, Tenant, and VPLS Switch.

Logical System

This option is available when you select the logical interface type as Logical System.

Select a logical system from the list. If not present in the list, then we need to create a logical system.


Starting from Junos OS 19.1R1, the user interface will auto complete the logical system names when you type the partial name.


This option is available when you select the logical interface type as Tenant.

Select a tenant from the list.


Starting from Junos OS 19.1R1, the user interface will auto complete the tenant names when you type the partial name.

VPLS Switch

This option is not available if the logical interface type is VPLS Switch.

Select a VPLS switch from the list.


Enter description for the interface.

IPv4 Address


This option is not available if the logical interface type is VPLS Switch.

Specify the IPv4 address.

To add an IPv4 address:

  1. Click + at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • IPv4 address—Enter an IPv4 address. IP Addresses added here would be used as interconnect IP.

    • Prefix Length—Enter the prefix length. This specifies the number of bits set in the subnet mask.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv4 address or click X to discard the changes.

To edit an IPv4 address:

  1. Select an existing IPv4 address and click the pencil icon at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Edit the IPv4 address and prefix length.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv4 address or click X to discard the changes.

To delete an IPv4 address:

  1. Select one or more existing IPv4 addresses and click the delete icon at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Click OK to delete the IPv4 address. If you want to discard the changes, click Cancel.

IPv6 Address


This option is not available if the logical interface type is VPLS Switch.

Specify the IPv6 address.

To add an IPv6 address:

  1. Click + at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • IPv6 address—Enter an IPv6 address. IP Addresses added here would be used as interconnect IP.

    • Prefix Length—Enter the prefix length. This specifies the number of bits set in the subnet mask.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv6 address or click X to discard the changes.

To edit an IPv6 address:

  1. Select an existing IPv6 address and click the pencil icon at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Edit the IPv6 address and prefix length.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv6 address or click X to discard the changes.

To delete an IPv6 address:

  1. Select one or more existing IPv6 addresses and click the delete icon at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Click OK to delete the IPv6 address. If you want to discard the changes, click Cancel.

Peer Details


Select any one of the connection types from the list:

  • Logical system

  • Tenant

  • VPLS Switch

Logical System

This option is available when you select the connection type as Logical System.

Select a logical system from the list. If not present in the list, then we need to create a logical system.


This option is available when you select the connection type as Tenant.

Select a tenant from the list.

VPLS Switch

This option is available when you select the connection type as VPLS Switch.

Select a VPLS switch from the list.


Enter the peering logical system unit number.


Specify the interface description.

Enter description for the interface.

IPv4 Address


This option is not available if the logical interface type is VPLS Switch.

Specify the IPv4 address.

To add an IPv4 address:

  1. Click + at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • IPv4 address—Enter an IPv4 address. IP Addresses added here would be used as interconnect IP.

    • Prefix Length—Enter the prefix length. This specifies the number of bits set in the subnet mask.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv4 address or click X to discard the changes.

To edit an IPv4 address:

  1. Select an existing IPv4 address and click the pencil icon at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Edit the IPv4 address and prefix length.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv4 address or click X to discard the changes.

To delete an IPv4 address:

  1. Select one or more existing IPv4 addresses and click the delete icon at the upper right of the IPv4 Address table.

  2. Click OK to delete the IPv4 address. If you want to discard the changes, click Cancel.

IPv6 Address


This option is not available if the logical interface type is VPLS Switch.

Specify the IPv6 address.

To add an IPv6 address:

  1. Click + at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • IPv6 address—Enter an IPv6 address. IP Addresses added here would be used as interconnect IP.

    • Prefix Length—Enter the prefix length. This specifies the number of bits set in the subnet mask.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv6 address or click X to discard the changes.

To edit an IPv6 address:

  1. Select an existing IPv6 address and click the pencil icon at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Edit the IPv6 address and prefix length.

  3. Click the tick mark to add the IPv6 address or click X to discard the changes.

To delete an IPv6 address:

  1. Select one or more existing IPv6 addresses and click the delete icon at the upper right of the IPv6 Address table.

  2. Click OK to delete the IPv6 address. If you want to discard the changes, click Cancel.