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Add a RIP Instance

You are here: Network > Routing > RIP.

To add a RIP instance:

  1. Click the add icon (+) on the upper right side of the RIP page.

    The Add page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel instead.

    If you click OK, a new RIP instance is added with the provided configuration.

Table 1: Fields on the Add Page




Routing Instance

Select a routing instance from the list to display only the master routing instance or all routing instances.

RIP Instance Name

Enter the RIP instance name.


Enter the preference of the external routes learned by RIP as compared to those learned from other routing protocols.

Metric out

Enter the metric value to add to routes transmitted to the neighbor.

Update Interval

Enter the update time interval to periodically send out routes learned by RIP to neighbors.

Route Timeout

Enter the route timeout interval for RIP.


Import Policy

Specifies one or more policies to control which routes learned from an area are used to generate summary link-state advertisements (LSAs) into other areas.

Click one of the following options:

  • +—Adds an import policy.

  • Move up arrow—Moves the selected policy up the list of policies.

  • Move down arrow—Moves the selected policy down the list of policies.

  • X—Removes an import policy.

Export Policy

Specifies one or more policies to control which summary LSAs are flooded into an area.

Click one of the following options:

  • +—Adds an export policy.

  • Move up arrow—Moves the selected policy up the list of policies.

  • Move down arrow—Moves the selected policy down the list of policies.

  • X—Removes an export policy.


Displays the RIP-enabled interfaces, its port, metric-in, and update interval.


Select interface(s) to associate with the RIP.

Select the box next to the interface name to enable RIP on an interface.

Click the edit icon to modify one or more selected interfaces settings.


Only logical interfaces for RIP are displayed.