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Add an ICAP Redirect Profile

You are here: Security Services > ICAP Redirect.

To add an ICAP redirect profile:

  1. Click the add icon (+) on the upper right side of the ICAP Redirect Profiles page.

    The Create ICAP Redirect Profile page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.
Table 1: Fields on the Create ICAP Redirect Profile Page




Enter a unique ICAP Service profile name. The string must contain alphanumeric characters, colons, periods, dashes, and underscores. No spaces are allowed; maximum length is 63 characters.


Enter the server response timeout in milliseconds. The range is between 100 milliseconds to 50000 milliseconds.

HTTP Redirect Option


Select to enable redirect service on HTTP request.


Select to enable redirect service on HTTP response.

ICAP Server

You can configure ICAP Redirection server by the following options:

Add—Create an ICAP Redirect server. Enter information as specified in Table 2.

Edit—Edit an ICAP Redirect server configuration. Enter information as specified in Table 2.

Fallback Option

Timeout Action

Select the timeout action from the list. The available options are: None, Permit, Log Permit, and Block.

Connectivity Action

Select the connectivity action from the list that the request cannot be sent out due to connection issues.

Default Action

Select a default action from the list to be taken when there are scenarios other than the above two mentioned ones.

Table 2: Fields on the Create ICAP Redirect Server Page




Enter an ICAP Redirect server name.

The string must contain alphanumeric characters, colons, periods, dashes, and underscores. No spaces are allowed; maximum length is 63 characters.

Host Type*

Select Name or IP address.


Enter the host name or host IP address depending on what host type you choose.


Specifies the port in the server. This is the server listening post and the default port will be reached according to protocol defined.

Enter the port number. The range is 1025 through 65534.


Specifies the number of connections to be created.

Enter the number of connections. The range is 1 through 64.


Authorization Type

Specifies the type of authentication.

Credentials Type

Select the credential type as ASCII or Base64.

Based on the Credential Type that you choose, enter the ASCII string or Base64 string.


Request MOD

Enter the reqmod uri that can be configured for ICAP server only.

Response MOD

Enter the respmod uri that can be configured for ICAP server only.

Routing Instance

Specifies the virtual router that is used for launching.

Select a routing instance from the list.

SSL Initiation Profile

Select an SSL initiation profile from the list.