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Add DHCP Client Information

You are here: Network > DHCP > DHCP Client.

To add DHCP Client information:

  1. Click Add on the DHCP Client page.

    The DHCP Client Information page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.
Table 1: Fields on the DHCP Client Information Page



DHCP Client Information


Enter the name of the interface on which to configure the DHCP client.

Client Identifier

Specifies the name of the client used by the DHCP server to index its database of address bindings.

Select an option from the list:

  • ASCII— ASCII client.

  • Hexadecimal—Hexadecimal client.

Lease Time

Enter a value from 60 through 2,147,483,647.

Specifies the time in seconds, to negotiate and exchange DHCP messages.

Retransmission Attempt

Enter a value from 0 through 6. The default value is 4.

Specifies the number of attempts the router is allowed to retransmit a DHCP packet fallback.

DHCP Server Address

Enter the IPv4 address of the DHCP server.

Specifies the preferred DHCP server that the DHCP clients contact with DHCP queries.

Vendor Class ID

Enter the vendor class ID numbers.

Specifies the vendor class identity number for the DHCP client.

Update Server

Select the check box to enable the propagation of TCP/IP settings on the specified interface (if it is acting as a DHCP client) to the DHCP server that is configured on the router.