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Manage Configuration History

You are here: Device Administration > Configuration Management > History.

You can view configuration history and database information about users editing the configuration database.

To manage configuration history:

  1. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
    Table 1: History Maintenance Options




    Indicates the version of the configuration file.

    To view a configuration, click the version number.


    Indicates the date and time the configuration was committed.


    Indicates the name of the user who committed the configuration.


    Indicates the method by which the configuration was committed.

    The available options are:

    • cli—A user entered a Junos OS CLI command.

    • junoscript—A Junos XML management protocol client performed the operation. Commit operations performed by users through the J-Web interface are identified in this way.

    • snmp—An SNMP set request started the operation.

    • button—The CONFIG button on the router was pressed to commit the rescue configuration (if set) or to clear all configurations except the factory configuration.

    • autoinstall—Autoinstallation is performed.

    • other—Another method was used to commit the configuration.


    Indicates comments.

    Log Message

    Indicates the method used to edit the configuration.

    • Imported via paste—Configuration was edited and loaded with the Device Administration > Tools > CLI Editor option.

    • Imported upload [filename]—Configuration was uploaded with the Device Administration > Configuration Management > Upload option.

    • Modified via quick-configuration—Configuration was modified with the specified version of the J-Web user interface.

    • Rolled back via user-interface—Configuration was rolled back to a previous version through the user interface specified by user-interface, which can be Web Interface or CLI.


    Indicates action to perform with the configuration file.

    Select any one of the following available options:

    • Download—Downloads a configuration file to your local system.

      Select the options on your Web browser to save the configuration file to a target directory on your local system.

      The file is saved as an ASCII file.

    • Rollback—Rolls back the configuration to any of the previous versions stored on the device. The History page displays the results of the rollback operation.


      Click Rollback to load the device and download the selected configuration. This behavior is different from entering the rollback configuration mode command from the CLI, where the configuration is loaded, but not committed.

  2. To compare configurations files:
    1. Select any two configuration files you want to compare.

    2. Click Compare.

      The History page displays the differences between the two configuration files at each hierarchy level as follows:

      • Lines that have changed are highlighted side by side in green.

      • Lines that exist only in the most recent configuration file are displayed in red on the left.

      • Lines that exist only in the least recent configuration file are displayed in blue on the right.