Enable Webhooks and Alerts by Using the API
SUMMARY Here's how to set up webhooks by using the Juniper Mist™ API.
You'll go through this procedure three times to set up three webhooks for Juniper Alert Format Relay:
Device Events
Device Up/Downs
You can enable webhooks by using either the API or the Juniper Mist portal. Also see Enable Webhooks and Alerts by Using the Juniper Mist Portal.
Before You Begin
You'll need information from your pre-installation tasks to replace the placeholder values in the sample payload. See Information Needed for Installation.
Specifically, you'll need:
The public IP address and the port that you configured for Juniper Mist Alert Format Relay
An API token with Super User access
Your Juniper Mist organization ID
To enable webhooks and alerts by using the API: